Knowing Christ-Part 9 “The Bread of Life and The True Vine”

Posted by on March 15, 2012 under Front Page Posts, Sermons

Comments Before Serving the Bread:

We know Jesus through the images that he gave us (McGrath, Knowing Christ).  For instance, he tells us that he is the way, the truth, and the life.  He is not merely the guide but he is the way.  He is not merely a teacher of the truth, but he is the truth.  He is not simply a giver of life, but he is life.

Two images should come to mind as we gather at the

Lord’s Supper: Jesus says, “I am the Bread of Life,” and also “I am the True Vine.”

At the Lord’s Supper, our living Lord asks us to “remember” him.  Not simply a remembrance of an historical event (which none of us experienced first hand), but a remembrance that pays attention to his nearness.  If we wish to know Christ, then “do this in remembrance of me” means “do this with some regard to my presence . . . do not overlook me or ignore my company.”  And so he instructs his disciples to regard the bread and the wine as his body and his blood.  What does this mean?  How do we do this? Read more of this article »