Blue Jean Sunday

Posted by on August 25, 2016 under Uncategorized

BJS invite cardWestArk is having its annual Blue Jean Drive for the Hope Chest in Fort Smith and would love your help in spreading the word.  Please see the information below and share with your friends, family and co-workers.

Sunday PM Series – Light & Darkness

Posted by on July 7, 2016 under Uncategorized

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Sunday AM Series

Posted by on under Uncategorized

resistance 600x400All are welcome as we learn together how to join the resistance against the enemy’s lies in our world.

Sundays – 10:30am

The Kingdom of God is THIS!

Posted by on April 29, 2016 under Uncategorized

Sermon Series - The Kingdom Is This Logo-finalJoin us Sundays at 10:30am beginning May 1 for a Sermon Series geared to helping us better understand the Kingdom of God and what it means for us now AND later.








We will look at several of stories Jesus told:

Parable of the…







Hidden Treasure/Pearl


We look forward to this time of learning and sharing together!




Posted by on February 19, 2016 under Uncategorized

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Early Bird Registration starts Now through March 20th!

Don’t miss the great price of $30!

Sign up online today!

WestArk Connections

Posted by on February 18, 2016 under Connect, Uncategorized

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Are you looking to connect with a group?  Wondering what classes are available? Check here!

Adult Class Schedule 2016

Care Group/Life Group Listing 2016


We want to be able to connect however we can.  Follow us on social media with the links below!

Facebook Page  (West-Ark Church of Christ Page)

Instagram (WestArkCC)

Twitter (@WestArkCC)

Pinterest (WestArk Church)

YouTube (WestArk ChurchofChrist)

Church Community Builder (CCB – online directory and connection tool)  If you need an activation email, please contact


Ephesians Series

Posted by on February 13, 2016 under Uncategorized

Ephesians study logo - site

NEW SERIES on Ephesians beginning Sunday, February 14: Who We Are and What We’re Living For. Classes are at 9:30 am, and Worship (with Ephesians series) at 10:30. All are welcome!


Talk It Up Sunday Info

Posted by on January 27, 2016 under Uncategorized

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Sunday, January 31 was a big day for our church family!  We worshipped, discussed and dreamed together.

Let’s keep it going!

If you were unable to be with us that day or just would like to see and hear the information again, please see the information below.

May God continue to guide us to attitudes, words and actions that honor Him and lead us to ways to join Him in His work.


The Congregation Presentation link will allow you to view the PowerPoint presentation (in .pdf format) that was shown to the congregation on Talk It Up Sunday.

Congregation Presentation

The Talk-It-Up link will allow you to view a member’s renderings of what our facility could look like with some (not all) of the changes.  These drawings weren’t viewed by the design team prior to Talk It Up Sunday, so they weren’t presented to the congregation.


You may listen to Chris’s message, along with the design presentation here.  It is the sermon labeled “The Big Announcement.”

Suggestions may be sent to:


Church Community Builder (CCB)

Posted by on January 7, 2016 under Uncategorized

CCB (Church Community Builder) is the communication and information hub for our church family.  We will share periodic tips to help you get more familiar with this awesome tool.  We will also have periodic Learning Labs to help us all learn together how to use this tool to strengthen our family!

Back-to-School Day at West-Ark

Posted by on July 16, 2015 under Uncategorized

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Blessing for ALL students   

(Preschool – College) and all School Workers  10:30 AM in Auditorium

FX (Family Experience)

Lunch and back-to-school fun for ALL families of preschoolers through 6th grade

After Morning Worship in Gym

This is a free event, but please register at