24 Hour Prayer and Fast

Posted by on October 15, 2017 under Uncategorized

All are welcome to join our 24 hour prayer and fast.

Step 1:  Submit a prayer request with a form from the foyer or with this link.

Step 2: Sign up for a prayer time with a form from the foyer or with this link.

Step 3: Come to pray during your set time and determine how you will fast.

Step 4:  Join us to break the fast on Saturday, January 6 at 6PM.  Bring your favorite dish and/or dessert, and we’ll have a good, old fashioned potluck!














Trunk or Treat 2017

Posted by on October 10, 2017 under Uncategorized

Grab your friends and family for this fun-filled night!  Want to sign up your trunk?  Click here.  See you Saturday, October 28th!

Wednesday Morning Ladies’ Bible Study

Posted by on October 3, 2017 under Uncategorized

All ladies are welcome!


Hope or Healing Series

Posted by on September 20, 2017 under Uncategorized

During this series, we will learn specific ways in which knowing and following Jesus helps us find healing for ourselves and then be able to invite others to that healing, too.

Any and all are welcome each Sunday at 10:30AM!




CURE Relief

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Communities on the Texas Gulf Coast need our help. CURE (Compassionate Utilization of REsources) has partnered with “Disaster Assistance” of Lake Jackson, TX (a city near the Gulf Coast) and “Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team” out of Ohio. These groups supply the local congregations as they distribute supplies and share hot meals from commercial-grade mobile kitchens. CURE will focus efforts on raising cash to equip these two reliable response teams so that they can purchase the needed food supplies, These groups have the resources in place to order supplies and have them delivered next day even in the midst of the disaster.
To date, more than $50,000 dollars has been raised to support those affected by the storms.
Donations can be made by:
  • Writing a checks to CURE/WestArk for: Disaster Relief
  • Texting “Westark” to 77977
  • Going to westark.org/give. Select CURE – TX Hurricane Relief as the fund.





We Are WestArk, September 2017

Posted by on September 1, 2017 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements, Uncategorized

Sept 24, 2017

Sept 17, 2017

Sept 10, 2017

Sept 3, 2017

Men’s Bible Study

Posted by on August 26, 2017 under Uncategorized

All ages are welcome on September 5 as we begin this fall’s study “Two Great Commissions” by David Chadwell.  Contact John Lankford at (479) 782-5148 for more information.

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WinGS Ladies’ Bible Study

Posted by on August 20, 2017 under Uncategorized

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WINGS (Women IN God’s Service) is a ministry in which the primary purpose/mission is to encourage one another and our community through Bible study, application in daily living, and in loving service to others as we give God the glory.

For online WINGS Bible Studies, click here.

Tuesday WINGS – Fall 2017

Our fall study this year is Joshua. We kick off with an Orientation Brunch and Registration on September 12th at 9:30 AM and then start with lesson 1 on September 19th at 9:30 AM. Free child care is offered from 9 AM – 2 PM for those participating. We hope you can join us!



Wednesday Night WINGS is provided as an alternative for working women who cannot participate in Tuesday WINGS.  During the school year (usually September through April), this weekly class (7:00 PM Wednesday) is a great opportunity for fellowship, study, service and evangelism.


Celebrate Recovery Information Meeting

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All of us have hurts,  habit and hang-ups.  The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to draw people closer to Jesus while they find healing.  Whether you think you might want to participate and/or support this ministry in any way, please come learn more about this incredible ministry.  Any and all are welcome!  “Hold-over” snacks and childcare provided.


WestArk Golf Group

Posted by on August 10, 2017 under Uncategorized

Contact Ron Orick to be placed on the weekly invitation list!

