Posted by Chris on December 14, 2008 under Sermons
Structure of Romans
- Thesis – 1:16-17
- Antithesis – 2:1-3:20
- Restatement – 3:21-31
- Abraham – 4:1-25
- Conclusions – 5:1-11
- Comparison – 5:12-21
Conclusions (5:1-11)
Since we’ve been made right:
- Peace (5:1-2)
- Patience (5:3-4)
- Hope (5:5)
 God is not a hidden policeman trying to catch us breaking the law. |
Faith and Confidence
- Christ died for us when we were sinners
– That’s love!
– Count on Salvation
- Friendship with God
How Much More
- 5:9, 5:10, 5:15, 5:17
- If this is true, then how much more true with God?
- Lesser to Greater
Life and Death
- If reconciled to God by his death …
- How much more are we saved by his life?
- Friends not Enemies
Boasting and Bragging
- Where’s our confidence?
- 5:2 and 5:11
- Abraham could not boast before God (He trusted = faith)
- We boast in the reconciliation we’ve received from God
- Sin
- Damnation
- Reign of Death
- Misstep
- Gift
- Forgiveness
- Reign of Life
- Grace
Grace Outdoes Sin
- Law intrudes into the story
- Law names the sinfulness, even makes it worse
- Sin magnifies the problem
- Grace is even more magnified
- Do we preach Adam or Christ?
Getting a Grip on Grace
- We dare not cheapen it
- We dare not limit it
- We dare not qualify it
- Let’s dare to brag about it
Posted by Chris on under Sermons
[Reading: Psalm 126:1-6]
Read Luke 4:14-30
(Isaiah 61)
One day, Jesus returned to his hometown. The local boy who had become a Rabbi came home for a visit. They’ve heard the stories about his ministry and miracles. They simply have to have him read Scripture in the synagogue. They came today for a good study and Scripture reading. Read the scroll young Jesus and make us proud.
So he reads this text from Isaiah 61. Jesus is claiming this text. He’s claiming the Spirit of the Lord. He’s here to announce freedom for captive, justice for the oppressed, healing for the sick, good news for the poor. Jesus is reading this ancient text and saying, “That’s me. That’s my agenda. That’s what I’m all about.”
The synagogue doesn’t take to this too well. They’re not buying it. They whisper, “Hey, he’s the carpenter’s boy, right? His folks live down the street you know. When did he get to be such a big deal?” They’re not listening. They’re not listening to the Scripture because they have it all figured out – so they think. They’ve heard it before, but it has no impact on them.
They’re not listening to the Scripture – but a few of them might be waiting to see a miracle. Maybe Jesus can bring some of that magic back to his hometown. They sort of deserve it after all. They made him who he is today. Don’t forget where you came from Jesus!
So Jesus says …
“You will no doubt quote me this proverb: ?Physician, heal yourself’-meaning, ?Do miracles here in your hometown like those you did in Capernaum.’ But I tell you the truth, no prophet is accepted in his own hometown.
“Certainly there were many needy widows in Israel in Elijah’s time, when the heavens were closed for three and a half years, and a severe famine devastated the land. Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them. He was sent instead to a foreigner-a widow of Zarephath in the land of Sidon. And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, but the only one healed was Naaman, a Syrian.”
Now they’re listening. They heard that. They heard that God can do as much and maybe more with outsiders than he can do with insiders. They heard that God favors those on the margin. They heard that those who think they are privileged and important really aren’t. Jesus didn’t make this up. It’s Bible. He just claimed it and applied it. And his hometown crowd doesn’t like it. They are so offended that they try to throw him off a cliff.
Why is it so difficult for that synagogue to hear Jesus read these words and apply them? Why is the announcement about God’s grace and his plan to expand the kingdom so offensive?Why is it so hard for them to accept the teaching of the bible? Their very own bible that they have heard read to them for generations?
If our answer is – “well they are just hardhearted and stiff necked,” then stop and think – are they really that different than us? How many times have heard Scriptures read, preached, proclaimed and we haven’t really listened? How often have we just made up our minds and we simply want a good reading, a nice prayer and a sermon that affirms what we already know.
The word that Jesus read requires a certain kind of humility to hear it properly. We have to be humble enough to serve and get outside of self.
We have to be humble enough to confess our sinfulness. We have to be humble enough and attentive enough to confess the ways we’ve contributed to captivity, blindness, and oppression. For if we participate in those evils, then we certainly cannot welcome the good news that comes from the Spirit of the Lord, yes?
But if we are humble enough to listen and confess then we will stand alongside those who experience the comfort of God’s good favor. We can stand with Jesus and also be anointed with the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord.
Can we accept that? What would you think if I said “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News!” Would you listen or just chalk it up as biblical talk?What if I said that “The Spirit of the Lord is upon you, for he has anointed you to bring Good News?”
Are we claiming too much? Is this text just about Jesus? Just think – someone claimed this text before Jesus. The prophet (Isaiah) who shared this good news with the exiles in Babylon. Shouldn’t Jesus’ disciples claim this after him if they are going to follow him? Why is it good enough for Jesus, but not for us?
Just think – this proclamation is the announcement of the Year of Jubilee. Since the time of Moses, God has desired for his people to practice what the Spirit of the Lord proclaims. Why is it good enough for them, but not for us?
The synagogue in Nazareth could have witnessed miracles if they had paid attention to the Spirit of the Lord. Instead they just left worship angry.
We could see this text fulfilled among us if we take it to heart — if we claim it like Jesus.
And let’s not think for a moment that God needs us. Let’s not think we have it all figured out and that Jesus owes us and that we’re the only ones he can rely on. If we read the bible like Jesus, we will know that if we don’t have the Spirit of the Lord and God cannot proclaim his good news and announce his good favor through the people here, then he can get people out there quite easily. He’s done it before and can do it again.
Will this text be fulfilled among us today?
Will we welcome freedom for captives, sight for the blind and justice for the oppressed? Will we welcome the anointed one?
… Or will we take the Son of God and the Spirit of the Lord and throw them off a cliff?
Let us have the courage to confess our sins. Let us know the comfort of being in Christ. If you’ve been baptized into Christ, then you’ve received the Spirit of the Lord – as a gift. Don’t quench that spirit! Rather, let us proclaim the Lord’s favor!
Posted by Chris on December 7, 2008 under Sermons
Narrative or Proposition
- Narratives expand
- Propositions reduce
- This is why we have four gospels
- Abraham’s story is foundational to trust/faith
- Paul is unpacking the story to further his thesis in 1:16-17
Genesis 15
- And Abraham believed the Lord; and the Lord reckoned it to him as righteousness.
- Abraham becomes the paradigmatic person of faith.
- Paul regards him as the forefather of all who believe
Q & A (Romans 4:1-12)
One is justified by faith apart from works of law (3:28)
- But what about Abraham?
- (4:1-8) – Trust is credited as righteousness.
- Is this limited to the circumcised?
- Abraham was not circumcised when faith was credited as righteousness (4:9-10).
- So what’s the point of circumcision?
- A seal of the covenant (4:11-12)
Credit on Account
- Abraham trusts in God’s promise of offspring and heirs.
- Confidence and hope – the issue is one of trust.
- This trust is “booked to his credit” as righteousness.
Source of Metaphor
- Legal or Forensic
- Since Erasmus
- Christ’s Righteousness Imputed
Imputed or reckoned?
Erasmus translated from Greek and used forensic terms (imputed).
This notion of legal substitution is strictly interpreted in Protestant tradition.
Christ’s righteousness is imputed on the believer.
Legal fiction opens the door to problems with injustice.
- Financial – Accounting
- In the text
- Historical background
Greek is commercial/bookkeeping language.
Awareness of the imagery being used to describe God’s work of justification (no single image base).
Romans vs Galatians
- Romans
- Paul accepts basic Jewish truths – “Abraham is father of all”
- Applies it to Gentiles
- Emphasis on trust and faith
- The particular Jewish worldview is made universal
- Galatians
- A polemical letter
- Paul has relationship with them
- Crisis situation
- Legalists imposing circumcision
- Doing more abandons the sufficiency of the gift
- 2 similar discussions (Galatians 3-4)
- 2 different situations
Galatians are practicing circumcision as a way of keeping law and thus being Christian.
Romans are ignoring the Jewish heritage/story and putting more faith in culture and ethnicity (Gentile).
Boasting in works and payment due is only Romans; don’t read this into Galatians.
Gift or Law (4:13-17)
- This contrast has everything to do with God’s power
- If we can secure righteousness and justification via the law, then God does not take initiative – rather we do.
- But if it is a gift, then Jew and Gentile both must respond in trust/faith.
Hoping Against Hope (4:18-25)
- Abraham trusts even though the evidence goes against it
- God has power to bring life out of death
- Isaac (Birth and Sacrifice)
- Creation
- Resurrection
Posted by Chris on under Sermons
Congregational Reading: Psalm 85:1-13
Read Isaiah 40:1-11
- A man sits alone on the bed of a hotel room that he rents by the week. His family has told him that he cannot be with them if he continues to drink and hurt himself and everyone else. He sits in his room and changes channels on a broken TV set. A blank look on his face masks the sorrow and guilt deep inside. He longs for the day that he can be with his family again.
- A family gathers around a small Christmas tree in front of a drafty window. Their living room and their dining room are the same room. The children open a gift. The parents look on with twisted smiles. They know something that the children don’t. They know how much they’ve lost and how much they will continue to lose because they squandered their fortune in a foolish deal. They know how strained their relationship has been. They long for a day when they can be free of the burdens of debt and penalty and speak words of love again.
- A church gathers to worship. Their singing is tired. There’s an odd silence and nervousness as people gather and say very little to each other. They notice who’s missing, but they ignore those who are there. The words of the sermon and the Scriptures are drowned out by the memories of angry and painful words spoken and whispered. Relationships have been hurt. Fellowship has suffered. The people long for a day when their spirits are renewed.
I love Isaiah 40. It says that God forgives. It says that God makes a way out of the sadness, the despair, the suffering, and the sorrow. It says that God is leading us out of temptation and sin. It says that that God is going to pull us out of the muck and mire of our mistakes. It says that the worst things are never the last things. It says that the word that God wants spoken to his people is “comfort.”
I love Isaiah 40 …
It’s a promise of even more than THE Day of the Lord. A day of comfort is coming. A day of “finally” when the consequences and penalty ends …
- The captives in Babylon. Their exile will not last forever, but his promises will. That day came and the glory of the Lord shone forth.
- The disciples of John waiting for a champion from God. They will not wait forever, but they will see and hear the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit. That day came and the glory of the Lord shone forth.
- It says to the man in the lonely hotel room: There’s a way out. God is coming. That day is coming – not just the day of the Lord, but a day of comfort. The day to be with his family is coming – and the glory of the Lord will shine forth.
- It says to the family in the crumbling drafty house: There’s a way out. God is coming. There will be and end to your hard service, you will pay off the debts and the penalties will end and your love will increase. That day is coming – not just the day of the Lord, but a day of comfort. That day is coming – and the glory of the Lord will shine forth.
- It says to the hurting and broken church that their sins have been paid for and that the shepherd will take them up in his arms. They will be revived and sing songs of joy. They will share that joy with others who are broken and hurting. That day is coming – not just the day of the Lord, but a day of comfort. That day is coming – and the glory of the Lord will shine forth.
You might want to ask me, “Are these stories true?” Of course they are. They are true in all the thousands of circumstances that they resemble.
These stories are as true as the promise of Isaiah 40 that a day will come when the punishment and consequences of the sin will be lifted. The darkness will lift and the light will shine forth on a new day. They are as true as the glory of the Lord that is revealed every day he brings comfort.
These stories are real. God restores. We’ve seen it happen before and we will see it again. It may be dark and dreary right now, but the message of Isaiah 40 is that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
Get ReadyOf course the pessimist says that the light at the end of the tunnel is a train. Well, what if it is a train? What if it is restoration and renewal barreling down on us? What if it is the Kingdom of God moving in and declaring an end to the darkness?
I say it is a train – and what that means is this: getting out of the tunnel isn’t a matter of us simply clawing our way out – it’s about God rushing in.
In the 1960’s, the singing group The Impressions were inspired to write a song about that kind of a train coming …
People get ready, there’s a train a comin’
You don’t need no baggage, you just get on board
All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin’
Don’t need no ticket, you just thank the Lord
People get ready for the train to Jordan
It’s picking up passengers from coast to coast
Faith is the key, open the doors and board ’em
There’s hope for all among those loved the most.
There ain’t no room for the hopeless sinner
Who would hurt all mankind just to save his own
Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner
For there’s no hiding place against the Kingdom’s throne
So people get ready, there’s a train a comin’
You don’t need no baggage, you just get on board
All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin’
Don’t need no ticket, you just thank the Lord
The train that is coming in the song speaks to a chance for redemption. It’s a way out for those who long for an end to the sin.
But pay attention: There’s no room for the hopeless sinner who hurts others just to protect self-interest. There’s no room for hateful self-righteousness. There’s no room for those who glorify themselves.
But for those who have faith in the coming of the Lord, there’s a seat on the train. There’s comfort and way out …
I love it that this word about the train, about the light at the end of the tunnel has been preached and is being preached in all sorts of ways. Whether it is the Psalmist, John the Baptist, the Impressions, or preachers like me … The message of Isaiah 40, the word that God wants shouted is being preached.
- A day of comfort will come.
- There is forgiveness – the burden of sins, the pain of mistakes can end
- Get ready for it and make ready for it. Make ready for God because he’s making a way out.
Are you ready? If you’re longing for a day of hope then get ready for it. Prepare the way for the Lord.
It may seem like there’s no way out of the despair, the sin, the mistakes that you’ve made. But God can make a way when there seems to be no way. Prepare the way for the Lord.
Posted by Chris on November 30, 2008 under Sermons
Congregational Reading Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19Reader: 1 Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock. You who sit enthroned between the cherubim, shine forth 2 before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh. Awaken your might; come and save us.
Congregation: 3 Restore us, O God; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.
Reader: 4 How long, Lord God Almighty, will your anger smolder against the prayers of your people? 5 You have fed them with the bread of tears; you have made them drink tears by the bowlful. 6 You have made us an object of derision to our neighbors, and our enemies mock us.
Congregation: 7 Restore us, God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved.
Reader: 17 Let your hand rest on the man at your right hand, the son of man you have raised up for yourself. 18 Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name.
Congregation: 19 Restore us, Lord God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved. |
Historical Background:
A group of Jewish Exiles who had been held captive in Babylon for a generation have finally been set free to return home. They return to the land of their ancestors, the land that God promised their forefather Abraham. They have hopes and visions of returning the land and its’ royal city, Jerusalem, to its glory so that it will be a light among the nations. Their dream is to restore the temple and seek to fulfill Solomon’s prayer.
But it isn’t so simple. Some of their brethren lack the zeal that they have. Also, the elite groups left in Jerusalem have taken over the rule of the city and they have their own designs for the future of Israel and Jerusalem. They have made alliances with other nations and adopted their ways. They aren’t as pure as they should be.
Seeking to express their anguish and understand their disappointment, this community of returned exiles lift their voices in lament and prayer …
Read Isaiah 64:1-9
Where is God?
Israel remembers how God worked powerfully among the nations to deliver Israel from Egypt. And now they want God to do the same for them.
They are tired of waiting. They ask, “Where is God?” (Isaiah 63)
- Where is the God who parted the Red Sea?
- Where is the God that led the people across on dry land?
- Where is the passion and the might you used to show on our behalf?
- Where are your mercy and compassion now?
They feel abandoned. They are angry. They want God to rip open heaven, come down form his lofty perch and start mashing their enemies into mortar and use it to rebuild their temple. They want some justice, some punishment, and some restoration … … but it seems to them like God is nowhere.
Can you identify with these poor outcasts? The land that they called home seems more and more like a foreign country. The people who ought to know better have lost their way. Those who ought to set an example for other nations have become a global shame.
- In other parts of the world, people stand in lines to get scarce resources just to live: clean water, rice, bread
- In this country, people were trampled and killed by a restless mob anxious to get cheap junk at Wal-Mart. Is this what we consider an economic crisis? We push, shove, and trample to get toys?
Can you identify with these poor outcasts? Do you ever wish that God would rip the sky open and start sorting it all out?
Affirmation and Challenge
The words of Isaiah affirm that we are not alone when we call upon God for justice and vengeance – even if we just whisper it. The words of Isaiah affirm that we are not alone when we feel like God is nowhere to be found.
But the words of Isaiah do not leave us without a challenge … Stop and reflect on what this “summons of God” means. Let’s say God does rip open the sky right now and He’s ready to sort it all out. Let’s say that God does show up right now with his hammer and blowtorch. Let’s say He begins the retribution and punishment right now.
Think … does He stop at our borders? Does He spare us? Why should he? Is God our attack dog on our chain?
- Israel thought this one out … They were ready for the “shock and awe” of God that would humble her enemies. They were ready for God to go to work and put down the mad dogs that threatened the peace of Jerusalem. They were ready for God to burn out the impure and immoral in their land.
- In the midst of their prayer, a thought strikes them. (64:5b) Maybe it seems like God is nowhere because He’s angry with them. They have to admit that they aren’t as godly as they should be. No, they are impure. They are feverish because of the infection of sin. They have the stability of dry leaves blown in the wind. When they attempt to dress up in righteousness, they end up in soiled rags polluted with their own filth. It’s not pretty. And if God shows up to begin the apocalypse, they might just be the first in line.
The Courage to Confess
Do we have the courage to confess our sins? Can we identify with these Israelites now? Do we want to? Since Adam and Eve, we’ve had a difficulty confessing sin. We tend to blame others or blame circumstance, or even blame God – just as the Israelites do in Isaiah’s prophecy.
We’ve discovered convenient ways of managing this …
- Justification and denial. Making excuses and rationalization.
- Generic confession of sin. We’re all sinners. Of course we are. This is an opposite extreme, for when everyone sins, no one sins.
- Overlooking the corporate dimension of sin. We like to think of ourselves as independent individuals. We are free agents, loners, and accountable only for ourselves. We don’t want to be responsible for the sins of others. That wouldn’t be fair. But there is a way in which we all participate in systems and structures larger than ourselves and there are elements of those corporations, governments, relationships and even congregations that can be warped by sin. Who is to blame? That’s the wrong question. The better question is, “Can we confess that sin before God and be redeemed?”
When we can do this we begin to draw close to the God who can make a difference. Especially when it seems like God is nowhere …
God is Here Now!
Confession of our sinfulness – as individuals and as a people – causes the scales to fall from our eyes.
- When we look for a God who will rip open the sky and begin busting mountains and boiling the seas, then we stare into nothingness. That God is nowhere because that is the God that looks like us, salutes our flags and protects our fortunes at any cost. When we look for a God who strikes terror in others at a push of a button or a magic word. Then yes, that God is nowhere.
- Confession is the way to perspective and truth. When we confess our sinfulness before God, we realize that God is the potter and we are the clay. He is our Father and we are his children. God is not nowhere, but he is here now.
- When we confess our sinfulness we see that we need a rescued from ourselves and not just from enemies.
- When we confess our sins we see that God has already ripped open the sky and sent his Holy Spirit down to descend on his Son, Jesus Christ. (Gospel)
- When we confess our sinfulness we see that the God that we thought was Nowhere is Here, Now. He is with us in our suffering. In all their suffering he also suffered, and the angel of his presence rescued them. (63:9)
- God is Here and Now and he has cast his lot with us. He is building a temple for his name among those who are soft in his hand like clay. God is here and now. May God forgive our sins and help us to live in his presence!
Posted by Chris on November 23, 2008 under Sermons
Thesis of Romans
- Romans 1:16-17
- Antithesis = 2:1 to 3:20
- Restatement of Thesis = 3:21 – 31
Redemption [3:24]
- 3:24 – apolytrosis
- Context of slavery: apolytrosis is the means of liberating a slave
- Jesus is the means by which God has saved humans from the enslavement of sin
- Historical: Psalm 110:9 and Exodus 6:6
Expiation [3:25]
- hilasterion – a difficult term!
- Reconciliation for a wronged party
- kipper – Hebrew – “cover over”
– Atonement
– Cover of the Ark
- Sacrifice to a bloodthirsty God?
- Wrath in Romans 1:18-30
Expiation or Propitiation? Can I have a third option?
In other texts it is clear that this is a sacrifice. Romans is vague about the hilasterion being a sacrifice – other than the mention of blood.
Paul is probably borrowing the word from its Jewish and ritual context. It is very “Exodus.”
There is a paradox here in that God propitiates God. Separating it out so that Christ propitiates God sets up a hero/villain battle.
Beware Vampire Christianity – we need Christ for his blood.
Thesis Statements
- God’s righteousness is being revealed – it’s news!
- Jesus is the means and agent through whom God is “demonstrating” it.
- Faithfulness and Righteousness are connected in a significant way.
What Is Faith?
- Leap of Faith
- Keep the Faith
- Blind Faith
- Full Faith and Credit
Faith and Jesus Christ
- “Faith in Jesus Christ” (object)
- “Faith of Jesus Christ” (subject)
- Romans 3:22, 25, 26
- Is Paul referring to our faith in Jesus Christ or the faith/faithfulness of Jesus?

The Faith Of Jesus Christ
- Thesis – The gospel of Jesus Christ [obedience and faithfulness]
- Antithesis – Sin involves disobedience and faithlessness
From Paul’s Letter to the Romans: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, by Ben Witherington, III:
Three arguments for Faith OF Jesus Christ
- It avoids the redundancy of Paul referring to Christian faith twice in 3:22. Both objective and subjective means are referred to: the righteousness of God is revealed through the faithfulness of Christ (the gospel) and it is revealed to all who believe. This explains from faith to faith in 1:16-17 (ek pisteos eis pistin).
- This reading gives proper force to the 2 prepositions through and unto – one referring to means and the other to the ultimate object or recipient of the revelation.
- This comports well with the parallel clause (dia) in v 24. The gift of righteousness or being righted comes through liberation or ransom provided by the Christ-event.
So What Does It Mean?
- Jesus’ sacrifice is more than an offering of him.
- Jesus “faithfully” offers himself.
- Jesus reveals God’s way of making humans righteous with God.
- We share Christ’s faith (see 4:16)
- No contradiction with Galatians 2:16, Philippians 1:29, Colossians 2:5
If we translate faith as “belief” then we are concerned that we cannot know everything that Christ believed. But if we use the fuller meaning of faith as the complete human response then it makes more sense.
The is no contradiction of a confessional faith in Jesus Christ (as with the other texts). But the context of Romans shapes the interpretation.
Paul’s Diatribe (3:27-31)
- Where’s our confidence?
- Is righteousness obtained through the law? No, faith.
- God is God of Jew and gentile.
- All accepted on faith.
- Faith does not destroy the law but strengthens it!
(We don’t follow the law through understanding or legal inquiry, but through faith – obedience of heart.)
Posted by Chris on under Sermons
[This lesson was presented by 2 people.]
Notes of Jeff Lovelace
There are several reasons that Christians don’t give like they should. One of the reasons is an unexpected life event. Statistics show that on average, every 10 years we will go through a major financial need. We may be taking care of an elderly parent or medical condition that has happened to a loved one. Single moms or dads trying to meet the needs of taking care of children can cause extreme burden on the family. Putting food on the table may be the most important thing at the moment. Also we know that 7 out of 10 families depend on every paycheck and would need to get a loan if one check was missing. Living this close to the edge puts a financial strain on the married couple and today it is the number one cause of marriage problems. It can ultimately lead to divorce if not taken care of. Of course, all we hear on the TV is gloom and doom with the economy and what does the government tell us? Spend, spend, spend. It will fix the economy! Then on the next commercial we hear what products we should buy and how easy it is to get credit for it. Extreme Marketing is used to lure us to spend. No matter which way we turn, the temptation is there. When was the last time you heard a commercial to give back to your church?
But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are several steps we can take to overcome living like this. God gave us many scriptures dealing with possessions and finances. One new ministry that has started at West-Ark is the Financial Ministry and a portion of that is teaching Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. The Bible-based study teaches you how to get out of debt and build up an emergency fund. But the class goes further by teaching basic life principles of insurance, mortgages, college funds, and how to plan for retirement. The class causes you and your spouse to interact on everyday purchases and gets you on the same page. It will stop the money fights. The end result is that you can give like never before without worry, guilt and truly be what the bible says, “a cheerful giver.” We also have a Financial counseling service that is offered by my wife Michelle and I. We can setup a budget and help you get on the right track. This ties well with the Marriage and Family Counseling that David Chadwell has setup as well.
But back to the Financial Peace University class (FPU). We just completed our first class with 16 families attending. All families beat debt, started saving and put themselves in a situation to give more freely and easily. A fun part of the program is to collect credit offers in the mail and tally up how much debt is being offered to the students. Over 13 weeks, these 16 families were offered 5 Million dollars in debt. The key though is to get rid of debt. Our class debt reduction was over $29,000 dollars. Once the savings kicked in after beating the debt, our class saved over $34,000. That’s a differential of $63,000 in only 13 weeks by 16 families. As you can see by having a plan, which is what this class teaches, can really get the ball rolling to put yourself in a much better financial state.
Imagine Yourself Debt Free
Our next class is coming up on January 11th and will run for 13 weeks. The class is very interactive and is fit for any age group or marital status. We will show a preview of what can be expected from the class today after services. Also, I will mention that we are doing a teen version of this class called Generation Change. It will finish up the week before Christmas.
Several of the FPU students were so thrilled with the results of their class, they gave a brief testimonial. Before we show the video, let me leave you with a scripture that says it all. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think? Romans 12:2 (NLT).
Notes of Chris Benjamin
On the video you’ve seen and heard the stories and encouragement of your brothers and sisters. They’ve told you how they’ve been blessed and given hope by following God’s ways and be leaning on the support of others.
We set this time for responses aside in worship so that we can share with one another. Maybe you have a word of thanks or encouragement. This time for responses in worship is always an appropriate time to share that.
Maybe you need encouragement. Maybe you have a burden with debt or financial stress. We offer the FPU but that’s not all. We will pray with you. The elders will pray with you. We will encourage you along the way.
Maybe your burden isn’t financial. Maybe it is an addiction of some sort. There are people here who are ready to support you as you seek God’s healing and hope. We have no interest in judging you. We know what it is like to live in God’s grace and I assure that there will be people here who will receive you with such grace.
Maybe your burden is grief or anxiety. Maybe you are overwhelmed by worry. Maybe you’ve been carrying the burden of a hurt or gossip from others. Maybe it is something that has burdened you for years. We’ve set aside this time to pledge our commitment to giving you an opportunity to experience God’s healing and hope.
It can seem threatening to name these matters. Perhaps it seems too shameful. But the gospel casts out the burden of shame. Naming the burden is the beginning of healing. Naming the burden means that we have hope and Christ takes it away.
The power of the gospel is what gives us real healing and hope. There are so many offers in this world trying to sell us something that will fix our problems. You can try all of them, but there is no real healing and no real hope apart from the Spirit of Christ. He has given us the resources to really live free.
We’ve set aside this time in worship to give you the opportunity to respond to the source of true hope and real healing. For those of you who’ve been baptized it is a time to renew your commitment …
When you were baptized into Christ, you renounced all other powers including the power of sin. You are dead to those powers and illegitimate gods. You are alive in Christ. May God bless you to live out your life in Christ and not submit to the burdens, worries, fears, and anxieties that distract you from that life.
If you haven’t yet been baptized into Christ then what are you waiting for? I mean that in all seriousness – there may be a very legitimate answer to that question and I want you to think about it. I can believe that you might have a concern that keeps you from coming to Christ in baptism.
- Maybe you’ve seen too many so-called Christians behaving in an un-Christian way. I understand that. It’s not right and Christians who behave in an un-Christian way need to repent. But please don’t let that keep you from Christ.
- Maybe you’re worried that being baptized into Christ means that you have to be flawlessly perfect. Baptism is the first step of a walk with Christ. We continue to encourage and welcome response for prayer and thanksgiving because we are all on this journey.
So when I ask, “What are you waiting for?” That’s not just a rhetorical question. Let’s talk about. But if you want to be baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of sins, then we are ready to rejoice with you.
Posted by Chris on November 16, 2008 under Sermons
Thesis: Generous Christians bring glory to God
Antithesis: Selfish Christians dishonor God
Thesis of Romans
Romans 1:16-17
Antithesis of Romans
Romans 2:1 – 3:20
Thesis – Antithesis Pairs
Righteousness – Wrath
Jews – Gentiles
Righteousness – Law
Four possibilities …
Knocked Off Our Box
Romans 2:1 …
“Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.”
No Excuses
Romans 1:18-31
THEY have no excuses for their sinful behavior
Romans 2:1 – 3:20
YOU really do not have an excuse because you have God’s word

Paul the Philosopher
- Paul is using philosophical rhetoric to make his argument
- Hypothetical questions
- The Nature of God
- Use of voices (the braggart, the question from the audience, straw man)
Paul the Prophet
- Paul is not rejecting the covenant with Israel
- Paul is following the tradition of OT prophets (See Amos)
- Paul is following Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount
- Judgment on Empty Spirituality
The Power of the Gospel
- A “sermon on the mount” kind of righteousness
- Spiritual vs. Literal
- Salvation for Jew and Gentile
- Salvation for Christians
- Gospel and Grace
Posted by Chris on under Sermons
[Communion comments]
Read 2 Corinthians 8:9 – For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.
- We come to a table generously spread. For served to us today is the generous gift of God.
- This bread is the body of Christ. This cup is the blood of Christ.
- As you consider it, consider more than the suffering of Christ. Consider the generosity of Christ. Consider his continuing presence among us.
- We are blessed to receive a renewal of heart, a restoration of riches, a continuance of hope. What do you find here? What does the generosity of God mean to you?
[Sermon starts here]
- Read from 2 Corinthians
- Paul is concerned about the Corinthian church
- They had started out eager to serve others through a contribution for the poor in Jerusalem.
- Paul encouraged this. It would be historical. If the Gentile churches came through generously to help the poor in Jerusalem when they needed it, then it would embody the unity of Jewish and Gentile believers that Paul believed was God’s will. It would show that God is work among the gentiles.
- The Macedonians had come through even when it seemed like they couldn’t. No one expected them to give very much since they were in the midst of economic crisis. But they did give!
- Paul wanted the Corinthians to know about it … He wanted them to know that it was God’s grace. They had not just given money, but they had given themselves to God – and when you give yourself to God, giving your funds is not that hard.
- Paul is concerned that the Corinthians will miss out on having that sort of generosity.
- He reminds them that Generosity is rooted in God’s generosity
- He reminds them that Generosity is not so much about giving to needs or good practice for the giver – it brings glory to God
- And if the Corinthians miss out on this, then they may lose the very spirit of Christ. If they cease to be generous, then it won’t be long before they cease to be nothing more than a hollow worship club.
- Paul wants the Christians in Corinth and in Macedonia to excel in God’s generosity so that they can participate in his grace and bring glory to God. God is glorified and the church has thrived when it has been generous.
The Power of Generosity – Julian the Apostate
- When Constantine the Great legalized Christianity in the 4th century, it was a welcome relief to Christians who simply wanted to live in peace.
- But after Constantine, the new emperor Julian, tried to bring back the pagan religions. He did not want Christians to be favored and made it more difficult for the Christians to practice their faith.
- Julian’s attempts to dismantle and discourage Christianity – in their own hearts and in the public’s opinion – failed. Why?
“Atheism (Christianity) has been specially advanced through the loving service rendered to the stranger, and through their care for the burial of the dead. It is a scandal that there is not a single Jew who is a beggar and that the godless Galileans care not only for their own poor but for ours as well; while those who belong to us look in vain for the help that we should render them.” – Julian
The Christians were simply more generous and caring than anyone else. They reflected the generosity of God. They didn’t just care for their own; they cared for all of those in need. This sort of generosity could not be ignored or maligned.
Our Encouragement
When we read 2 Corinthians 8-9, understanding what that church could do in poverty is inspiring. I believe that West-Ark is capable of so much – even in our economic trials. Do you?
Some may say that these aren’t the times to be bold and generous. Some might say that we need to conserve and be careful. I agree that we need to be wise and responsible, but let’s not limit God. Let’s not limit generosity. Look at the Macedonians. Think about those risky, daring Christians who changed the world.
What we need is a bold adventurous faith. Let’s excel and be bold in generosity. When you think about the way that God has been generous with us, how can we do any less?
The invitation is an invitation for us to participate in the generosity of God. It’s an invitation to see grace in action. There is power in generosity, the sort of power that can overcome empires and unite strangers.
Illustration – Putting our hand in the plate
I hope that we will give ourselves to God and then give generously. Not because I want you to give to West-Ark, but because I want you to give as West-Ark. We are not generous TO the church, we are generous AS the church. [The church is not an institution outside of ourselves].
I would be very disappointed if we withered into an isolated worship club only concerned with our own issues. God is not pleased by a church family that withdraws so far into itself that they become spiritual hermits afraid of their own shadows. Rather, he wants us to show an extraordinary kindness – even in a hostile world. That brings glory to him! God didn’t hold back when he was generous to us.
Posted by Chris on November 9, 2008 under Sermons
Let Me Introduce Myself …
- Paul, A Slave of Christ Jesus
- Called to be an Apostle
– What’s an Apostle? (v. 1 and v. 5)
- Set Apart for God’s Good News
– A Purpose and Mission
– What is good news?
The Reputation of Romans
- Their faith is well known throughout the world
- “I am praying that we will have a chance to meet”
- A diverse group (Greek, barbarian, educated, non-educated) – v. 14-15
Paul’s Thesis
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed-a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”Romans 1:16-17
The Rejection of God
- Romans 1:18-23
- Despite what they ought to know, the truth is pushed aside
- Their hearts are darkened
- They claim to be wise but they are foolish
- They worship the created, not creator
The Wrath of God
- Romans 1:24-32
- God gives them everything they desire
- They dishonor themselves
- They reject what is natural
- This results in various vices
- They not only do this, but think well of those who do the same
Everything that’s wrong with the Gentiles … … is also what’s wrong with you.
The turning point in Romans 2:1 – “Them” language changes to “You” language |
Go Back to the Thesis
- Paul is commissioned to be God’s agent
- Paul has a good message – news!
- It has the power to save – everyone!