Posted by Chris on June 18, 2012 under Front Page Posts, Sermons

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Last month, Time Magazine honored Mother’s Day with a controversial image of a breastfeeding mother and a lead article titled, “Are You Mom Enough?” Can you guess what Time Magazine did with the cover for Father’s Day? You are correct if you guessed that Time did absolutely nothing. Perhaps that silence and neglect is symbolic of our culture’s current regard for Fatherhood.
Father’s Day does not come to us with the same sentiment as Mother’s Day. Discussions about the role of men in our society have not electrified the cafes, talk shows, and halls of justice in the same way issues of womanhood and motherhood have.
Posted by Chris on June 10, 2012 under Front Page Posts, Sermons, Uncategorized

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Part three of the three part series, Three in One and One Another. The sermon focuses on the reality of brokenness and the hope that the church might be a truthful community that thrives despite brokenness because of the work of the Trinity in our midst. I am indebted to Jack R. Reese for his book, The Body Broken: Embracing the Peace of Christ in a Fragmented Church. His suggestions in that book are used throughout the sermon
Posted by Chris on June 3, 2012 under Front Page Posts, Sermons, Uncategorized

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Part two of the three part series, Three in One and One Another. The text for this week is 1 Corinthians 12. The discussion focuses on the Body of Christ. I am indebted to Lee C. Camp for his book, Mere Discipleship, andthe discussion concerning the Body of Christ. Lee’s observations provide the introduction to this sermon.
Posted by Chris on May 27, 2012 under Front Page Posts, Sermons
Over the next two Sundays, we will have groups out for summer activities. I’m mindful of these things because it has an

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effect on our Sunday attendance here, but we should all be encouraged that these groups are serving the Lord elsewhere. I’m never discouraged because church is about more than just occupying a space.
Church is about something else, and I think that sort of concern lies behind statements like “Love Jesus, Hate the Church.” Perhaps you’ve seen this statement or one like it somewhere. It is popular right now seems to be the mantra of our times. At one time there was a sign posted around town that was advertising a different group and actually had this phrase as a question: “Do you love Jesus but hate the church?” Obviously it was an attempt to reach out to those who had had a bad experience with church.
It is not my intent to criticize any of these groups who used the slogan. Actually they make fairly reasonable points including some points that our heritage has made over the last 200 years.
The two images on the screen are from a book and video. The first is a book titled “Love Jesus Hate the Church,” written by a man named Steve McRainie. He is of the pastor for the Church Without Walls in Georgia. The book is a statement of how the institutional church is failing to truly represent Christ and the Church Without Walls is calling people to a different kind of fellowship.
Some of you may recognize the second image as a fellow named Jeff Bethke, who at the first part of this year gained attention with a spoken word performance on YouTube. He actually loves the church but he says in his poem that he hates religion. If you follow his poem, some of it sounds quite familiar. He says that Jesus didn’t call us to be an institution and Jesus didn’t call us to be hypocritical or Pharisaical. I would say that you can go back and find sermons from 100 years ago in the Restoration Movement that say something similar. We ought to pay attention to the fact that this slogan is being renewed and revived because it represents an interest in our times. That interest is focused on a discipleship that is not encumbered by the of the demands of institutional religion. I believe that we have something to offer in this discussion. The worst thing that could happen to us is that we start picking up all the of all of the baggage of institutional church and start dressing ourselves up in it and lose out when the rest of the world is having the conversation that we’ve been trying to have over the last 200 years.
Back to this slogan, I can understand that it’s a harsh an offensive statement. I don’t think there’s any mistake that they are trying to be provocative with a statement like “Love Jesus Hate the Church.” Hate is strong word, but at least when they’re saying that it is still better than a passive aggressive hate of the church which comes across as a neglect of the church. I see that sort of contempt for the church when we show no desire, no energy to make a better way. We may be all for loving Jesus but the church becomes easy to neglect.
To any who say that there is no neglect of the church, why is it that even within the church we have to make gargantuan efforts to boost attendance, promote membership, and increase involvement? It seems to me that sometimes the church fails to do what the church is meant to do because we must spend so much energy on remedial tasks like getting people to attend a gathering, promoting membership, or getting people to sign up for activities and increase involvement. Are we trying to overcome a passive aggressive contempt for a bad notion of church? Our lack of awareness about what it means to truly be church has allowed us to treat church as if it is no more than membership in a social club in which we place membership and all that is required is attendance.
You and I have encountered this in one form or another. We have either asked the question ourselves or we have been asked this question by others. If you’re a parent you know you’ve heard this question from your children: “Why do I need to go to church?”
Let us imagine a dialogue with someone who is asking that question. He will our questioner. Along comes an adventurous soul who ventures to reply. He will be our defender and answerer.
Given the question, “Jesus saves me so why do I need to go to church at all?” our defender may say “You are right Jesus our only salvation but you need church because church is going to help you get to heaven.”
To which our questioner may say something like,”Really? That group is going to help me get to heaven? But some of them seem like the very people to keep me out of heaven! Some of them are constantly angry, some of them are constantly rude, some of them are just not happy at all and I’m not talking about being hypocrites because they are not at all hypocritical about it! They are straight up and face-forward about it all.
Now, our valiant defender says, “Okay so I get that. But we certainly need you then. We need you to be a part of church.” The questioner comes back with, “Why is it that you need me? You say that but often when I’m there you ignore me you don’t pay any attention to me. You want me to sign up and be involved in activities which you don’t really seem to have any real interest in what is going on in my world and in my life.”
So our defender drives it home with authority and says “Alright, you must go to church! God says you have to go to church right here — Hebrews 10! It’s a commandment! Don’t forsake church attendance! There, that settles it.”
Yet, our questioner is not convinced. He says, “What exactly is it that I’m not supposed to forsake? What is the assembly after all? Is it an appointed meeting time or a community of people? I can devote myself to people and their needs without showing up for appointed meeting times.”
Now, our exasperated defender comes back and he says, “Listen here, you need to show up because this is where the Lord’s supper is served. You do want to get your Lord’s supper, yes? Well, it is served right here only in this time and this place and you cannot get it anywhere else. Accept no substitutes!”
Our questioner asks the defender, “Have you now gone in for the Holy Mass? You’re saying that this is the only time and place that I can get the special bread and wine? But you are also telling me that church is people rather than a sanctuary? Now you are being inconsistent!”
I want to help you because I’ll admit our defender in that little one-act play did not do a very good job. He tried to make the case that you need to go to church for some sort of salvation but was forced to agree that that is not the case and once we scratch that off the list we have to wonder why do we need to go to church. Is it for security because church is what checks us in with God and we must make sure that our salvation is still holding up? Is it for obedience? If so then we just attend church because we are marking time and we have to put in attendance somewhere thus we have to do the things we are told and there really is no other reason. It becomes obedience to an empty command that degrades into a slavish obedience. Is it for worship? Is attending church about going to the one place of worship where worship happens and it only happens right here and so attending church is all about a worship club?
In the interest of helping, let’s notice that it’s hard to come up with an answer for a question that is invalid. It’s very hard to find biblical answers for questions that are not biblical.
The real problem is the question why do I need to go to church? When church has been viewed as something that we have to go to we are missing what church is really all about. In the era of the “Love Jesus Hate the Church” slogan, we need a renewed vision of why we are church. And I say renewed because the answers are very biblical, we just need to renew them for ourselves and we need to embrace them. Let us recognize that our best defenses for the church, even our best arguments for our love for the church is too often filtered through this view of church as a building, or a place, or an organization. We may find an answer but we have to go for more than church. You can’t find the rationale or the reason for the church within the church, you have to go higher. And you may have to go higher than Christ. It may seem a bit unusual. How can you go higher than Christ? If the people of God would understand what it means to be church then they must look at Jesus who points to something greater than himself. He himself is part of something greater.
In John 14 there are at least two statements (verse seven and verse ten) in which Jesus points to something higher. He says the only way to the father is through me if you really knew me you would know my father too.” And “ the words I say to you don’t come from me, but the father lives in me and does his own work.”
Regardless of how you think you may feel about the church, if you do love Jesus then you have just cast yourself into love with something more than Jesus. For if you know Jesus, then you cannot help but know the father. C.S. Lewis warned us about the nonsense of regarding Jesus as nothing more than a religious teacher. There’s more to him than that. Likewise, the notion that Jesus is a good and kind Savior and he’s all you need to know will not suffice. If you know Jesus, then you already know much more than Jesus. Jesus himself says that if you know him, you know the father. If you’ve seen him you have seen the father. A relationship with Jesus means you have a relationship with the Father. This is why it’s very difficult for those who say “I respect Jesus and I appreciate Jesus, but I just appreciate Jesus from a human standpoint. I think that he is a good moral teacher. He’s a good man.” How can you have a relationship with Jesus and overlook God the Father who is a part of Jesus? As we have observed in our Lord’s Supper, the relationship between father and son is so close, intimate, real that any separation of that relationship brings pain and suffering. This is why Jesus says, “My God my God why have you forsaken me?” If you know Jesus, you know the father also.
If you know Jesus you have the spirit as well. It all comes together and you cannot separate. You will not be able to pick out the parts you do not like. You decide that you are all for Jesus the Son part of it and so the father makes some sense but the spirit is scary. You cannot ask God to keep that on the side as you sample it or choose only to have a little of it. Good people that we are, we are used to having full-service. In John 16, Jesus is once again teaching about who he is, and that a relationship includes the spirit. Jesus reveals that it’s through that spirit that we have the connection with the risen Jesus. You need not understand everything there is to understand about the spirit (as if that’s possible).
In John 17:21 Jesus is saying a prayer that same night that he sweats those drops of blood that we focused on in the communion. On that same night that he’s in anguish and agony he’s thinking of us. During a time when we would’ve forgiven him totally and completely understood if he only cared to focus on himself, he remembers us. All of God’s children are included in this prayer. He says, “Father just as you are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” When we are in Christ we are also in the Father and we are also in the Spirit. there is no distinction and no compartmentalization. We are then united one to another. Our relationship to one another and our relationship to all the earth, at least what it should be, is seen in this prayer of Jesus.
I there are controversies in the past about the word Trinity. It is not a biblical word, but we use a lot of words that are not biblical words because they are good words. Trinity is just an idea of saying that there are three and yet there’s a unity. It simply means that the “threeness” of God the Father, the son and Spirit does not mean that there are three separate entities in the sense that they are not connected at all. Rather, that there is a oneness. Yet, teachings that get into the mechanics of the Trinity do not always help. In fact, we may have missed the significance of the Trinity because of an over emphasis historically on the mechanics.
What does the reality of Father-Son-Spirit say to us about God? It tells us that God is in himself all about relationship. Stop and think about what that means. God is, as the apostle John says, love. How often we use that statement: we sing it, we teach it, we pray it. We must mean that God is more than a warm fuzzy emotion or just feeling good. Within himself, as the father loves the son and the son loves the father and the Spirit is the love of both in action, then God himself is characterized by love that’s what it means for us. That view of God is our source for our unity and for our one another community
When we commune in the name of the Lord, we commune in his love and as we are drawn together by his love we love him and it causes us to love one another. God’s project of salvation is not focused on me or you alone, as he desires to not only save individuals. He wants to save me and you. He wants to save our relationships with one another. All of his rescuing and saving is forming community so we begin to see the church as God does. God’s love pours out into the hearts of many and God draws them together as his children
Ephesians 4: “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace!” That means everybody get along and everybody build on those relationships, but not just because that’s a good sounding thing to do or because we do not care for troublemakers. There’s a much better reason rooted in Trinity! Why do we keep the bond of peace and unity of the Spirit? Because “there is one body and one spirit just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, and father of all who is over all and through all and in all.” In that text you see the Trinity: Is God mentioned in that text? Is Jesus mentioned in this text? Is the spirit mentioned in this text? Yes all three.
We are mentioned as well. All in all. The unity of the spirit and the bond of peace is the basis of all of our relationships. Husbands and wives love one another the way Christ loves the church. The model of marital faithfulness and devotion is not the image of a happy couple, but Christ and the church. It all keeps going back to the Trinity. Marriage is not just a civil union or social contract, it is not simply a hedge against loneliness, but it participates in the relationship with God. Likewise the relationship with parents and children, likewise with all members of the household, likewise with all of us and all relationships route back into the relationship of the father-son and the Holy Spirit.
My hope is that a new view of the Trinity relationship gives us new perspective. I hope you leave here today with new perspective that the church is not a building, the church is not a place, the church is not even a style of worship (people always want to sort out churches by their style of worship. Jesus never said that his church would be known by their style of worship. Just that the worshipers seek him in spirit and truth). Church is not an organization, the church is not an institution, church is not something external to us. It makes no sense to say, “Let’s all get together and go to the church” when the fact of the matter is we are church. One cannot have this building without the materials that make it up. Likewise, you can’t have church without the people who are the church and who are connected to the Father, Son and the Spirit
Church is not a 501(c)(3) entity. We are not defined by the IRS, we are defined by God. Tax-exemption is not who we are and it is not what makes us special. It is fine and good that we have this status and we can use it to accomplish God’s purposes, but we must use this as a tool and not as a definition of church. In the mission field, believers sometimes have to use government registration with the state to function as the church, but those groups understand that that registration is not their spiritual identity and that registration with the government powers is not what makes them church. If we understand that in the mission field, then let’s understand that in this mission field. IRS qualifications and government definitions are not what makes us God’s people. It may allow us to do certain things according to the laws of this nation, but let’s not assume that we cannot be the church without the state’s blessing. We must wear those things as lightly as we can just as we see those in the mission field wear it lightly.
Jesus says you will be known as my disciples if you love one another. That’s how we are known as church. According to Jesus (John 13) the church is those who keep Christ’s ways and keep his commandments. His teaching is a way of life that brings blessings to us and blessings to others and even when it’s hard we know it is the way of Christ. It is the way to live that honors him and glorifies him. The church are a group of people who are living along the way in relationship with the father and relationship with the son in relationship with the spirit and then in relationship with one another. I hope you love Jesus, and he hopes you love the church. Because you are the church! And if it is hard to love the church (and it is because sometimes the church is unlovable, because each of us is at times unlovable), then we have a way to see our love increase. Our love can increase because we will share in his spirit and it won’t be up to us to come up with it on our own.
Posted by Chris on May 26, 2012 under Front Page Posts, Sermons
Church is certainly more than an organization, a place, a center for worship, a club of which we are members, or a 501 c(3) tax-exempt entity.
Church is nothing less than the people of God who are living out the sort of love that is rooted in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. If we want to be the community of God then we must dive into the trinity of God.
Posted by Chris on May 20, 2012 under Front Page Posts, Sermons, WAYG

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The words that Paul, Silvanus and Timothy shared with the congregation in Thessalonica are very appropriate for our seniors and youth group today. As I speak to the youth, I invite the rest of the congregation to overhear . . .
1 Thess. 1:8-9 . . . Wherever we go we find people telling us about your faith in God. We don’t need to tell them about it, for they keep talking about the wonderful welcome you gave us and how you turned away from idols to serve the living and true God.
- We are proud of your decision to turn to Christ
- That may be a Future decision
- That may be a decision you made years ago. If so, then renew it and build on it.
- The decision to follow Christ is an everyday decision to turn to Christ in everything; and to turn away from the idols (distractions, empty pursuits of the world – some that may even seem really good. False gods often seem quite “godly”).
1 Thess. 1:6-7 . . . You know of our concern for you from the way we lived when we were with you.
In this way, you imitated both us and the Lord. 7 As a result, you have become an example to all the believers
- Look to those who will be good examples. Even as you imitate them, you will still be your own person.
- Adults and Peers who set a good example
- Be an Example the other youth who will notice you
- Sometimes we make too much of the word leader. If everyone is leading then who is following ?
- In the church, Jesus Christ is Lord and he leads thru his spirit. He is the authority.
- Leadership is not simply positional authority. It is influence. You lead others when the spirit of Christ works in you to be a spiritual influence on others. For instance, when you set a good example
- Youth influence us – After all, what gives us hope and joy, and what will be our proud reward and crown as we stand before our Lord Jesus when he returns? It is you! Yes, you are our pride and joy. (1 Thess)
Our encouragement to you is to do more and more of the good and godly things that you are doing.
Keep growing and following Christ
For, what seems like the end of a path is just beginning.
1 Thess. 4:1-2 . . . Finally, dear brothers and sisters,we urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus to live in a way that pleases God, as we have taught you. You live this way already, and we encourage you to do so even more. For you remember what we taught you by the authority of the Lord Jesus.
Posted by Chris on May 13, 2012 under Front Page Posts, Resources, Sermons, Uncategorized
by Dr. Michael Cole

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May 13, 2012 – Sunday PM
“Let us draw near with a true heart in FULL ASSURANCE OF FAITH …” (Hebrews 10:22)
What do you have doubts about?
In what do you trust and why?
“You can never be sure that there is a God.”
Is this a true statement?
Hebrews 11:6 – Without faith it is impossible to please God. Christians must believe that He exists.
Adult Christians seem too embarrassed to say, “If there is a God, … .” I was.
One can recite Scripture and even argue biblical principles without fully believing it.
Romans 10:17 – “faith comes by hearing … the Word of God.”
What is “faith”?
Webster’s Dictionary definition of faith:
“firm belief in something for which there is no proof”
Does God expect us to have faith in or rely upon or trust something or someone for which there is no proof? And He expects me to be willing to die for this?
Hebrews 11:1 – Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Real faith must rest on solid proof, not just feelings, conjecture, or wishful thinking.
Ecclesiastes 3:11; Job 38-41
Mark 9:24 – Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”
- How do I know Australia exists?
- Was Julius Caesar assassinated?
Genesis 37:33 (NKJV) – And [Jacob] recognized it and said, “It is my son’s tunic. A wild beast has devoured him. Without doubt Joseph is torn to pieces.”
Discussion of Origins in Search of Evidence for “Things Not Seen.”
- Origin of the Universe and Age of the Earth
- Origin of Man
- Origin of God (the concept)
- Origin of the Bible
1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics
Cell Theory
Science deals with HOW, not WHY
“Evidences” that God doesn’t exist:
1. ?_____
There is no evidence that God does not exist.
Evidences for the existence of God:
5. Order and complexity of the Universe
4. Intricate, delicately balanced nature of life
3. Deliberate design in Genetic Code
2. Historical record, Bible (history and prophecies) and extra-biblical
I Corinthians 15:12-20, “… if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless …”
Even if we did not have the New Testament or anything else written by early Christians, we would be able to conclude from non-Christian writings that:
- Jesus was a Jewish teacher;
- many people believed that He healed the sick and cast out evil spirits;
- He was rejected by the Jewish leaders;
- He was crucified under Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius Caesar;
- despite this shameful death, His followers, who believed that He was still alive, spread beyond Palestine so that there were multitudes of them in Rome by 64 A.D.;
- all kinds of people from the cities and countryside—men and women, slave and free—worshiped Jesus as God by the beginning of the second century.
Above list is from Yamauchi, Edwin M. (1995), “Jesus Outside the New Testament: What is the Evidence?,” Jesus Under Fire, ed. Michael J. Wilkins and J.P. Moreland (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan), p. 122.
- Legend?
- Lunatic?
- Liar?
Job 42:5 (CSB), “I had heard rumors about You, but now my eyes have seen You.”
Fragile Faith is transformed by
- Believing that God exists
- Coming to know God through study and prayer
- Trusting that He will provide for you
I John 2:3
II Corinthians 4:17-18
Can I follow a God who might exist, or will I affirm allegiance to the God who undoubtedly exists and has my best interest at heart?
Shall we disobey a God who might exist, or will we rebel against the God who is known to exist and has expectations of His children?
Posted by Debbie on under Front Page Posts, Sermons, Uncategorized

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Once again, extreme parenting is in the news as Time Magazine asks, “Are you Mom enough?” If one looks beyond the provocative and scandalous cover photo and actually reads the story, the reporting suggests that it is a difficult time to be a mother and women are forced to choose between career and family. But in the end every woman has to make the choice that works for them and feel good about it.
Last month, the term “Mommy Wars” was prominent in the media when Hilary Rosen criticized Ann Romney for never working a day in her life. Of course the Romney campaign countered by noting that motherhood is full-time work.
I am reluctant to say much about motherhood since it is quite impossible for me to ever experience the joys and pressure of being a mom. I know that I am not “Mom Enough” and I never will be. C.S. Lewis said that ever since he served as an infantryman in WW1, he had a great dislike for those who, themselves in ease and safety, issued exhortations to [those] in the front line. Thus he was wary about speaking on sins and temptations to which he was never exposed.
Yet, I believe it is fair to observe that they must be a genuine stress on women and mothers to prove themselves and deal with the criticism of others and their own internal criticism.
There’s nothing new about this. Nearly fifteen years ago I preached a sermon about “the mom contest.” Okay, perhaps the only thing new is that the contest escalated into a war. But we can go back even farther than fifteen years and notice that rivalry among women and mothers existed in the days of the patriarchs and kings. Sarah and Hagar, Rachel and Leah, and Penninah and Hannah.
Hannah’s Story
Hannah is caught up in the “mom contest.” An ancient mommy war of rivals. Penninah convinces her that she’s not mom enough. As a result, she is depressed, grief-stricken. She will not eat and she cries easily.
– At the risk of stereotyping and generalizing, I will make an observation as an outsider to womanhood. First, women certainly know how to create and nurture relationships with one another. In our culture and in our churches, women certainly do this much more freely and easily than men. You will probably never see a “Secret Brothers Gift Exchange.” Second, the flip side then is true and some of the most bitter and harsh rivalries exist between women. The letter to the Philippian church addressed the tension between Euodia and Syntyche that rippled out into the rest of the community.
– A word to women, who has criticized you? Ringing in your mind’s ear this very morning may be the hurtful words of other women who for reasons of their own have attacked you. Or maybe the words are your own? Perhaps you are comparing yourself to other women and the attack on your soul comes from within.
The reasons for the rivalry are endless.
In ancient times, a woman’s worth was based upon child-bearing, child-rearing, and keeping a home.
In our more enlightened age, we haven’t done away with the others, but we have added to the list of worthiness that a woman must have a successful career and involvement in social activities.
In addition a woman must remain physically attractive and demonstrate the proper etiquette and talents in all social affairs. Furthermore, she may be called upon to be a financial manager and in some cases the spiritual leader for the family.
All of this she must do with feminine grace and charm and should she lack in any area, then she is not trying very hard. She isn’t “mom enough” or “woman enough.” These are the “Mom Wars.”
Men are guilty of promoting it: Domineering men blame women; confused men do not know how to take responsibility.
The 1963 song Wives and Lovers suggests that women are responsible for their husband’s sexual integrity. This lyric has never seemed quite right . . .
Day after day,
There are girls at the office,
And men will always be men.
Don’t send him off
With your hair still in curlers.
You may not see him again.
– Wives and Lovers, Burt Bacharach 1963
According to the song, if he cheats, it is his wife’s fault. The song assumes that wives are in a contest for the attention of their husbands.
Women are guilty of engaging in the contest: Soap opera conflicts such as Mean Girls, Gossip Girls, Bad Girls Club are popular in both the drama and reality TV categories. Cat fights and drama showdowns are standard. It is difficult to know if the television reflects our culture or influences our culture. Perhaps it does not matter. The sum of the scores is always a loss.
The way out of the contest is to seek first God’s favor instead of trying to win the favor of men, other women, your children, or yourselves. In fact, if you will seek God’s favor first, then you will have the respect of those who likewise seek God’s favor.
Hannah quit the contest when she turned to the Lord. With God, Hannah had a future – a gift from God! She is no longer depressed, she is no longer grief-stricken, she has hope and Peninnah’s insults no longer effect her!
- But Hannah’s future also became the future of Israel.
- Hannah gained more than she could ever imagine.
- The beginning of the Kingdom of Israel is not David, Saul, or Samuel – but barren Hannah.
- Mothers and women, find your worth and value in God!
(1) Go to him in prayer!
(2) Devote yourself to God and refuse to be downhearted by the insults and criticism of the Peninnah’s in our culture!
(3) Seek to please God, not other men and women. You will find his burden lighter and his yoke easier.
Posted by Chris on May 6, 2012 under Front Page Posts, Sermons

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Thanks to a relationship that formed with the English Language School at the University of Arkansas Fort Smith, our congregation has been invited to help with international students.
As visitors to our community and our country, these young men and women will be well served by our hospitality. The actions that are called for are simple works of kindness. Many of these students have financial resources, what they need most is access to resources, friendships, and conversation partners.
Here are some of the simple opportunities:
1. Transportation and Shopping – These students need transportation to do their own shopping. City transit and taxi service are not always reliable nor convenient. The students have means and will manage their own purchases, though they may seek your advice on products.
Grocery stores – Harps on Grand accepts Lion’s Cash- (which dorm students have as a part of their housing package), Wal-Mart or Target, Asian Market , Clothing Stores, Book Stores
2. Other Transportation – TB testing is required by AR law for any student on an AR university campus. About once every six weeks, there is a need to transport students to the Sebastian Country Health Department for these tests. This is usually scheduled on a Friday @ 1:30 and the following Monday @ 2:35 for new students.
3. Volunteer Drivers – The ELS will welcome volunteer drivers to their scheduled activities. In some cases, they will reimburse drivers for their time. These may include out of town trips or outings to activities in town. Contact ELS for more information.
4. Food – Providing and Picking Up Orders. We can be a great neighbor to the coordinator at ELS, Malia, by picking up food orders for the students. Providing lunch is a bit of a challenge while UAFS is not in session and ELS is having classes. This gap is from May 7th- 29th and again between Summer 2 session and Fall.
5. Waldron Block Party! – This is one of the first big events we are considering. We could host all the students for a potluck. This would give us a chance to make relationships. We need champions to plan this and all potential volunteers should plan on attending.
6. Conversation Partners – The students are working hard to learn English. They need practice. This involves an hour once a week.
7. Hosting a Student – ELS arranges for students to stay in host homes. Homestay Familes are much needed! A family earns $550 per session (4 weeks) per student living with them.
8. Activities – These can be simple game nights, opening your home, outdoor games, pool parties. If group size is an issue, please coordinate with us and ELS.
Posted by Chris on April 29, 2012 under Front Page Posts, Sermons

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