Friends Day – April 29, 2012

Posted by on April 12, 2012 under Events, Front Page Announcements, News

If you were a guest for our Friends Day, then please know how happy we were to have you join us.

It was a great day of singing together, encouraging one another, and enjoying a meal together.  We do hope that you will join us again sometime.  We are happy to call you a friend and our friends are always welcome to join in to our events and to worship with us on any Sunday.

If you happen to be reading this and were not able to attend Friends Day, then please know that you are welcome to join us any Sunday at 9:30 for classes and 10:30 for worship.  We have other events during the week and we will be happy to share more information about those.  Details on many of them are featured on this website.

If you would like to know more about West-Ark, please call us or send us a message (   Please continue to visit this website as we are constantly updating the articles and information.

Believe, Speak, Do!

Posted by on April 11, 2012 under Front Page Announcements, Front Page Posts, Sermons

Have you ever heard any of these expressions?

“If you are going to talk the talk, then walk the walk!”

“Say what you mean and mean what you say!”

“Practice what you preach!”

“Actions speak louder than words!”

Of course you have heard these.  We recognize that a consistency among the ideas we cherish, the things we say, and the way we act is important.  We recognize this importance in virtues such as integrity, honesty, conviction, transparency.  Our maturity as followers of Jesus Christ increases when we notice the vital relationship of believing, speaking, and doing.

For three weeks in April, we will use 2 Corinthians 4:13-18 as our guide and explore how our belief in Christ’s teachings drives our words and actions.

April 15 – 01. Core Belief

April 22 – 02. How Do We Speak Belief and Believe?

April 29 [Friend’s Day] – 03.Friends of God

Soul Quest 2012

Posted by on April 9, 2012 under Events, Front Page Announcements, WAYG

June 10-16, 2012

Early Deadline— May 30th

Don’t miss the spiritual experience you’ve been looking forward to since last year!  Soul Quest on the campus of York College in York, Nebraska is coming!  Join over 500 7-12th grade students and nearly 100 of our own WAYGers as we come together to grow, worship, fellowship and encounter God in an atmosphere unlike anything else. Applications are now available on Facebook, in the hanging files in the foyer next to the Youth Group bulletin board and in class!  You will NOT want to miss out on this for ANYTHING!!  PLEASE let Rick know if you want to donate money for scholarships or if you need a scholarship. Open to all incoming 7th graders through 2012 graduating Seniors!  This week will be the BEST way to kick off your summer for God!   Get your camper application here  Get your staff application here

Honduras Mission 2012

Posted by on March 15, 2012 under Bulletin Articles, Front Page Announcements

We are called to Mission… not simply a mission trip, but a lifestyle that shows others that we really are on a mission from God… a mission that IS our purpose … one that glorifies Him and denies ourselves.

Honduras provides an opportunity to live out this Mission by becoming a part of a culture that is very different from ours… a language that we do not speak… food we do not normally eat… people we may have not associated with in the past.  Our team of 64 students and adults will help build security walls with cement blocks and mortar at local schools, paint walls, some of which will be Biblical scenes inside the schools, conduct a daily VBS at a variety of schools, serve in an orphanage and many other activities.  The work will be very hard, but very rewarding.  Pray for the mission and the team members listed below.

  • Steve & Lindsay Allen
  • Amber Bellcock
  • Josh & Kim Bice
  • Chris & Carrie Burress
  • Bill & Graham Coffelt
  • Dave & Breck Cogswell
  • Robin Dover
  • Brent, Hayden & Haleigh Evans
  • Blake & Hope Frost
  • Jay Glidewell
  • Chad Graham
  • Chandler Harper
  • Kevin, Hope & Hannah Hesslen
  • Haley Hickey
  • Scott & Breckin Horton
  • Scott & Rachel James
  • Kerry, Dena & Abbey Jenkins
  • Corey Jones
  • David Juelfs
  • Chris & Jamilyn Knight
  • Ted & Sharon Knight
  • Jack & Glenda Lewis
  • Caitlin McKuin
  • Julia Morgan
  • Cody Mumford
  • Greg, Rachel & Hannah Null
  • Rick & Jake Odell
  • Jenny & Jacqueline Oliver
  • Becca Risley
  • Brian, Tanner, Tyler & Sarah Robbins
  • Ana & Carolyn Seglem
  • Ethan Six
  • Kent & Rachel Snider
  • Allison Thompson
  • Sydney & Mallory Walker
  • Robin & Ben Webber

It’s All Greek!

Posted by on March 8, 2012 under Bulletin Articles, Front Page Announcements, Uncategorized

The myths of the ancient Greeks remain a vital part of our culture.  Recent films such as Wrath of the Titans, Percy Jackson, and books such as The Hunger Games are inspired by these legends of old.

No one can say that the Greek myths are gone and forgotten.  The names of mythological figures are widely used in our technology and entertainment.  Apollo took us to the moon and Pandora gives us radio over the Internet.  (But if one knows the story of Pandora, why would you ever open it on your PC?)

The gospel of Christ includes themes that are sometimes present in Greek Myth.  So much so that critics dismiss Christian faith as “just another religious myth.”  Yet, the on-going story of Christ is quite different in important respects.

In the four weeks of this series we will consider what elements from the myths old and new might be redeemed for Christian faith.  We will also pay attention to the unique, life-changing, universe-altering implications of the message about Christ.

The four parts of this series are:

March 18 – Don’t Open That Box (The Myth of Pandora and The Reality of Sin)

March 25 – Into the Labyrinth (Theseus and the Minotaur, The Hunger Games, and Heroic Sacrifice)

April 1 – Forget The Titans (Wrath, Rebellion, and Redemption)

April 8 – The God of the Sun and the Son of God (The Dying God Myth and Christ’s Resurrection)


Posted by on May 20, 2011 under Front Page Announcements, Uncategorized

Fall Fest

Posted by on September 2, 2010 under Front Page Announcements

October 25

Blue Jean Sunday

Posted by on under Front Page Announcements

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lions for Christ Open House

Posted by on under Front Page Announcements

September 11, 2010