Family Lines — November 2012

Posted by on November 1, 2012 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines –November 4, 2012

Family Lines — November 11, 2012

Family Lines — November 18, 2012

Family Lines — October, 2012

Posted by on October 4, 2012 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — October 7, 2012

Family Lines — October 14, 2012

Family Lines — October 21, 2012

Family Lines — October 28, 2012

Family Lines — September, 2012

Posted by on August 30, 2012 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — September 2, 2012

Family Lines — September 9, 2012

Family Lines — September 16, 2012

Family Lines — September 23, 2012

Family Lines — September 30, 2012

Family Lines — August, 2012

Posted by on August 2, 2012 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — August 5, 2012

Family Lines — August 12, 2012

Family Lines — August 19, 2012

Family Lines — August 26, 2012

Family Lines — July, 2012

Posted by on June 28, 2012 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — July 1, 2012

Family Lines — July 8, 2012

Family Lines — July 15, 2012

Family Lines — July 22, 2012

Family Lines — July 29, 2012

Bulgaria Mission Team Report from 6.24.2012

Posted by on June 25, 2012 under Front Page Announcements, Missions

Message from Rick Odell:

Sunday began with Jared Turbyfill sharing a great message about the importance of EACH person in the Body of Christ. The entire conference room was packed, literally, as we had to get extra chairs… and there were still a few that sat on the floor. During the worship service, we sang in Bulgarian and English (led by Jaquar Padilla), an opening prayer by Rusty Walker, a fantastic sermon about the story of Cornelius becoming a Christian (including an art display) by our own Chris Benjamin and scripture readings by Jake OdellTanner RobbinsWyatt Benjaminand Hayden Brent Evans. It was an amazing thing to share with brothers and sisters from all over Bulgaria. It was a blessing to be with all of the church in Bulgaria.

Fairly soon after services, our group went to the Borosova Gradina (park) and began a variety of activities and began meeting several students in the park. After three years of doing this, we have learned a great deal and are having a big impact on the connections we are making on behalf of the local church.

About 7 PM, our group, at the invitation of Blagovest Petrov, played a match of Ultimate Frisbee against his team, which included a couple of Americans living in Sofia. We made some amazing contacts and built relationships with several of the players. We ended the day with a very late dinner and headed to bed. Tomorrow will be another day at the park. Pray for our continued efforts to bring Christ to ALL of Bulgaria!

News From The Bulgaria Mission Team

Posted by on June 23, 2012 under Front Page Announcements, Missions

The seminar in Bulgaria for the church in this region went well today. The themes of this seminar will continue tomorrow in our worship service and into to the next two weeks. However the spiritual breakthroughs and maturing that took place today will continue for generations. Today was very encouraging and this is only Day 2 on the ground. We all believe that great things are unfolding. 

But let me clear about one thing: none of us on this team would dare to claim that we accomplished any of this through our efforts. No, quite the opposite. We believe that God’s spirit is active and we are privileged to simply show up and witness it.

Thank you for your prayers.

Family Lines — June, 2012

Posted by on June 1, 2012 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines for June 3, 2012

Family Lines for June 10, 2012

Family Lines for June 17, 2012

Family Lines for June 24, 2012

Family Lines — May, 2012

Posted by on May 3, 2012 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines for May 6, 2012

Family Lines for May 13, 2012

Family Lines for May 20, 2012

Family Lines for May 27, 2012

Promotion Sunday

Posted by on April 23, 2012 under Front Page Announcements, WAYG

Sunday Morning Class
1st Grade (Shining Stars) Graduation in the Gym – Families are welcome!
3 Year Olds through 6th Graders promote
Guide to King’s Kids promotions

Sunday Morning Worship
All incoming 7th Graders and Seniors.