Talk It Up! – April 6, 2014

Posted by on March 19, 2014 under Front Page Announcements

Talk It Up

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Starting at 9:30 AM

“Talk It Up!” is a day especially designed for conversation, community, and creativity.  We will begin with a combined class, and then worship, followed by conversation over a “family picnic” and dreaming about our opportunities to glorify God.

This journey began with the congregational analysis directed by Don Hebbard in December.  Participation in the analysis was great.  We are adding knowledge to our faith and discovering who we really are as a congregation.  The report suggests opportunities and further discovery for West-Ark.  The first step to spiritual growth and progress is getting together to talk it up.

There will be three parts to the schedule on April 6:

  1. Class & Discussion: All Bible Classes (Bridge 56 and above) will meet in the auditorium at 9:30 AM.  Our shepherds will share what they noticed in the analysis.  They will also share real opportunities and resources for personal and family development that are available to West-Ark
  2. Worship: Our assembly at 10:30 AM will be centered around the Body of Christ and the Greatest Commands.  In our singing, communing, and sharing of the word we will experience the spiritual and biblical realities that ground our discussions, habits, and dreams.
  3. Talk It Up Fellowship: We will be sent out to enjoy a Family Picnic in the West-Ark building.  Food will be served in the Family Life Center but we will gather to eat and talk in groups throughout the building.  We talk and chat during family meals, so we will do the same in these groups.  Each room prepared for a “Talk It Up” discussion will have a particular topic that comes from the congregational analysis (click here for a description of the topics).  There will be enough time during the afternoon to visit three of these discussions.  We want you to choose the ones that interest you most.  Please feel free to join in the discussion or listen and take notes so that you can “Talk It Up” with others later.  Child care for infants through 6th grade will be available in the Family Life Center during the discussion groups.

Family Lines — March, 2014

Posted by on February 28, 2014 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — March 2, 2014

Family Lines — March 9, 2014

Family Lines — March 16, 2014

Family Lines — March 23, 2014

Family Lines — March 30, 2014

Family Lines — February, 2014

Posted by on January 31, 2014 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements, Uncategorized

Family Lines — February 2, 2014

Family Lines — February 9, 2014

Family Lines — February 16, 2014

Family Lines — February 23, 2014

Family Lines — January 2014

Posted by on January 3, 2014 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — January 5, 2014

Family Lines — January 12, 2014

Family Lines — January 19, 2014

Family Lines — January 26, 2014

Family Lines — December, 2013

Posted by on December 6, 2013 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — December 8, 2013

Family Lines — December 15, 2013

Family Lines — December 22, 2013

Family Lines — November, 2013

Posted by on November 1, 2013 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — November 3, 2013

Family Lines — November 10, 2013

Family Lines — November 17, 2013

Family Lines — November 24, 2013


West-Ark Missions 2014

Posted by on under Front Page Announcements, Missions

Mission OfferingMission Sunday Goal Is Set: $224,913

This is the amount we need to raise beginning with our special contribution on Nov. 3, 2013.

In addition to your contributions on Nov. 3, you may submit a pledge card showing your intent to give  certain amount to fund mission efforts for 2014.  Making a pledge allows the mission committee to manage the funds for all the mission efforts in the upcoming year.

A copy of our standard pledge card is available below.

The mission committee has spent time in prayer and conversation considering all requests and opportunities.  The amount that we hope to raise in contribution and pledges is $224,913.  When we reach the fundraising goal, then all of these works can be fully funded.

If you have any questions about the process for contributions or pledges, please contact a member of the mission committee or the office. We encourage everyone to make a pledge or gift.  May God give us the faith to reach this goal so that we might experience (again!) the joy of realizing what God can do through all of us when we commit ourselves to his mission.

mission pledge card


Family Lines — October, 2013

Posted by on October 4, 2013 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — October 6, 2013

Family Lines — October 13, 2013

Family Lines — October 20, 2013

Family Lines — October 27, 2013

Family Lines — September, 2013

Posted by on August 30, 2013 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements, Uncategorized

Family Lines — September 1, 2013

Family Lines — September 8, 2013

Family Lines — September 15, 2013

Family Lines — September 22, 2013

Family Lines — September 29, 2013


Blue Jeans Sunday — 2,095 pairs!

Posted by on August 9, 2013 under Front Page Announcements

Update October 4, 2013 — 2,095 pairs of blue jeans were given!  Thank you to the Mulberry, Dayton and 9th Street congregations who also contributed, making this an area-wide effort. 

To God be the glory!

Wear a pair.  Share a pair.

Some of us wear blue jeans to worship every Sunday.  Some of us wear them only on a few occasions.  Some wear them just on this day, and some wear them never.  It’s all good.

Regardless of your choice of attire for worship, please let’s all bring a pair of jeans (or more) to donate to the Hope Chest.  Blue jeans – especially men’s and children’s jeans – are an important item in the Hope Chest’s ministry.  The Hope Chest specializes in giving clothing to those in need.  No item is as needed or as useful as blue jeans.

We will announce a goal for the number of jeans needed.  In the meantime, start gathering all the jeans you can find.