Build The Well!
Posted by Chris on May 23, 2017 under Missions, Uncategorized

Chris and Reid Knight work on digging the water well.
In March, the West-Ark Youth Group (WAYG) mission team began digging the cistern that will provide water to the Amor Sin Temor Transition House in Guatemala. The cistern project is an important stepping stone in the growth of this ministry. Once we raise $1,500 (USD), work can begin on the completion of the cistern.

Paul Crites, Rick Odell and WAYG mission team mark off dimensions for the cistern.
The Amor Sin Temor Transition House represents an important stage of growth in the relationship that Amor Sin Temor has built with a nearby orphanage. At 17, children age out of the orphanage. Seeing the opportunity to help these young people transition from the orphanage to adult responsibility, Amor Sin Temor and the church in San Cristobal began work on the Transition House. The house includes living quarters for house parents and dorm rooms for four young men. Numerous mission groups have contributed to upgrades and innovations on the facilities.

Current rooftop tanks provide non-potable water for House.
The completed cistern will provide purified water for the residents and guests in the Transition House. Currently, the facility purchases water to fill tanks that are installed on the roof of the house. This is non-potable water that is used for showering, laundry, and toilets. Drinking water must be purchased separately and stored at the facility. The addition of a concrete cistern with pressure tanks and filtration system will not only provide a ready supply of all needed water, but it will make the tanks on the roof obsolete. Those tanks can then be sold or re-purposed elsewhere and once they are removed the construction of a second story for the Transition House can begin. That second story will provide housing for young women who age out of the girls’ orphanage.

The plan for the second story of the Transition House is to create a young women’s dorm. It may be these kids or others from the Girls’ Orphanage in Aguacate who eventually get the opportunity to move into that dorm.
In March I had the opportunity to visit the girls’ orphanage. It is a safe, secure, and beautiful facility. It is my hope that some of the girls who age out of this house and have no other place to go will have the opportunity to move in to the Amor Sin Temor house once the second story dorm is completed.

WAYG team digs deep to build the well.
In the Transition House, young people are given the opportunity to learn trades and skills, English, and Bible. This opportunity is rare for young people who leave the orphanage. It represents the difference between life on the streets or in an abusive situation and a life of faith, hope and love.
The approximate cost to finish the cistern and set the next phase of growth in action is $2,000 (USD). Currently, $500 has been raised, so now we are asking for the remaining $1,500. Checks may be made payable to West-Ark Church of Christ and sent to 900 N. Waldron Road, Fort Smith, AR 72901. Please add “Amor Sin Temor” to the memo of the check. You may also give online at or text “WESTARK” to 77977 to access online giving.
Funds collected for this project will be deposited at West-Ark Church of Christ. All donations are tax deductible. Once we have reached the goal, West-Ark will send 100% of donated amount to Cloverdale Church of Christ in Searcy to be distributed to Paul Crites and Amor Sin Temor. If you have any questions about Amor Sin Temor or the Cistern Project, please contact me at or call me at 479-414-1643. – Chris Benjamin

Two of the residents at the Transition House continue to dig the well. Funds will provide for the concrete walls, pressure tanks, pumps and filtration system.