Blue Jeans Sunday — 2,095 pairs!

Posted by on August 9, 2013 under Front Page Announcements

Update October 4, 2013 — 2,095 pairs of blue jeans were given!  Thank you to the Mulberry, Dayton and 9th Street congregations who also contributed, making this an area-wide effort. 

To God be the glory!

Wear a pair.  Share a pair.

Some of us wear blue jeans to worship every Sunday.  Some of us wear them only on a few occasions.  Some wear them just on this day, and some wear them never.  It’s all good.

Regardless of your choice of attire for worship, please let’s all bring a pair of jeans (or more) to donate to the Hope Chest.  Blue jeans – especially men’s and children’s jeans – are an important item in the Hope Chest’s ministry.  The Hope Chest specializes in giving clothing to those in need.  No item is as needed or as useful as blue jeans.

We will announce a goal for the number of jeans needed.  In the meantime, start gathering all the jeans you can find.