The 10% and the 90%
Posted by Chris on September 16, 2012 under Front Page Posts, Sermons
- The Spirituality of Giving
- Deut. 14:22, Neh. 13:5, Mal. 3:8-12
- Offerings – Exod. 25
- Everyone is allowed to share
- There is no 1% and 99%
Sharing and Supporting
- Luke 3:10-11 – Share with others
- 3 John 1:8 – Supporting partners in God’s work
1. Priority
•Haggai 1:4 – Building “the temple”
– Are you only concerned about your house?
•First fruits and first things – Deut. 26
2. Passion
•More than finance and economics
•More than investment, profit, dividends
•Matt. 6:21 – Our money follows our passion
3. Planning
•1 Cor. 16:2, 2 Cor. 9:7
•Do you give with purpose?
•Are you intentional?
•It is a spiritual discipline that involves 100%