A Farmer Went Out to Sow His Seed …

Posted by on June 13, 2010 under Sermons


  1. A large crowd gathers
  2. Jesus teaches in parables
  3. Tells the parable of sower and seed
  4. He who has ears to hear …
  5. Disciples ask about parable
  6. Isaiah is quoted
  7. Seed and soils explained
Mark 4
Matthew 13
Luke 8
  • The farmer sows the word
  • Some people are like seed sown along, among, on …
  • They hear the word and …
  • When anyone hears the message of the kingdom
  • Receives the seed …
  • The seed is the word of God
  • Hear the word and …
  • Noble and good heart, hear word, retain it and persevere


Parable Image Meaning 1 Meaning 2
Farmer Jesus Prophet/Preacher
Seed Word Word
Path/Birds Satan steals word Satan steals word
Rocky Soil No root No root
Thorny Soil Worry/Deceit Worry/Deceit
Good Soil Produce crop Noble and good heart
Crop ?? ??


Is the seed bearing fruit?

  • See John 12:37-50
  • Especially verse 47
  • Hearing and doing the word
  • See and truly see it!
  • Hear and truly understand!