When You Follow Jesus, Something Dies

Posted by on April 25, 2010 under Bulletin Articles

There are many common mistakes when it comes to the concept of being a Christian. Some think it is nothing more than an affirmation. For some, it is a matter of adopting a vocabulary. For some, adopting a set of “dos and don’ts.” For some, adopting a personal routine. For some, adopting a specific cause. For some, adopting a specific church. For some, adopting a view of God.

The problem: all those fail to fulfill the New Testament concept of Christian. They all are important, but they all are partial. Those things, or any combination of them, are only a partial concept of the New Testament view of the meaning of being Christian.

Being Christian means something important dies. Paul, who wrote Colossians, said in Galatians 5:24 that death was a crucifixion. That means it was deliberate, as was Jesus’ death. It also means it was relatively slow. This death was not an accident that “just happened,” but was a deliberate act that the person knew was happening. He/she understood that the life of Jesus’ resurrection could not infuse the person unless this death occurred.

What death? The death to self-the death to the way one lived, acted, thought, and was motivated prior to meeting Jesus. Jesus literally would define who he/she was, how he/she thought, how he/she saw others, how he/she acted, how he/she used life, his/her involvements, his/her use of abilities, his/her motives, and how he/she defined and viewed right and wrong.

That is quite a death! It is a total remake job! It continues from birth into Jesus Christ until physical death in Jesus Christ! It obviously is a serious, life-changing commitment that is not for sissies! This death is evident in a person’s trust and behavior!

Do you have the courage, with the help of God’s grace, to be a Christian?