Who Is My Neighbor?

Posted by on March 28, 2010 under Sermons

Parables – part 1

  1. Jesus used parables
    1. Stories that communicate truth
    2. More engaging and compelling than simple propositions and facts.
    3. Facts can be debated. Stories thrust us into reality of the kingdom.

  2. The Parable of the Good Samaritan
    1. Lawyer testing Jesus
      1. The question of eternal life
      2. Deuteronomy 6:5, Leviticus 19:18 – Jesus agrees.
      3. “But who is my neighbor?”
      4. Expecting an exposition, the lawyer get a story
    2. The Story:
      1. The Traveler (Jerusalem to Jericho)
        1. He is ambushed, beaten, stabbed, and robbed.
        2. “He will die if someone does not arrive and help him.”
      2. The Priest:
        1. “Disregard for God’s commands led him to this fate.”
        2. “He will die if someone does not arrive and help him.”
      3. The Levite:
        1. On his way to do service in the Temple
        2. Levite forbidden to touch a dead body
        3. “Surely the man is dead.”
        4. “He will die if someone does not arrive and help him.”
      4. The Samaritan:
        1. The Hero. Who is it? What will he do? Anticipation!
        2. Shock – “It’s a Samaritan!”
          1. Show historical examples of the hostility between Samaritans and Jews.
          2. Why does Jesus use a hero that the hearers will not associate with?
          3. He is calling out their prejudices and showing them that love is about mercy and compassion, not the definition of neighbor.
          4. Hosea 6:6 – What does the Lord require?
        3. No penalty for killing a Samaritan. Stiff penalty for associating with one
        4. This is the Hero of Jesus’ story
        5. He stops, makes bandages from his own garments, oil and wine (his provisions for his journey), takes him to an inn where he is very likely unwelcome, pays the bill and more.
      5. “Which of these three became a neighbor?”
        1. Does Jesus answer the question? (No) He invalidates the question.
        2. When it comes to love, one does not choose one’s neighbor, one chooses to be a neighbor.
        3. Christ-like love does not ask “Who is my neighbor?” Rather, it is active. (“Go and do the same.”)