Got Spirit…?
Posted by Chris on January 4, 2009 under Sermons

The Indwelling Spirit
Alexander Campbell – “If the Spirit of God has spoken all its arguments in Scripture then the power of the Holy Spirit which can operate on the human mind [in conversion] is spent.”
B.F. Hall – in Heretic Detector, 1837 – “I believe that the Holy Spirit exerts no influence on the heart of sinners over and above the word: that his influences are in the facts he has revealed in the gospel, the evidences by which he has confirmed these facts, and in the motives to obedience presented in the Scriptures of Truth.”
- Revivalism: Emotional display was a sign of conversion
- Age of Enlightenment: Facts and reason predominate
- Spirit = Miraculous power
- Spirit = Special revelation
- What happens to our worldview and willpower when we are freed from the rule of sin?
- Is conversion just cognitive or is it also emotional and behavioral?
Vampire Christianity
- The Great Omission by Dallas Willard
- Freedom from sin means living in the Spirit
- Disciples for Jesus are Christ-followers
- Holiness & Sanctification
- “Vampire Christianity” is a shortsighted focus on salvation, on being a Christian, to the neglect of becoming a follower of Jesus Christ. So says Dallas Willard in his recent book, The Great Omission.
Willard’s point is this: “The individual says to Jesus, in effect, ?I’d like a little of your blood, but I don’t care to be your student ? in fact, won’t you just excuse me while I get on with my life, and I’ll see you in heaven.'”
In other words, “Thanks for dying on the cross for me, Jesus. I’ll accept your blood shed for my sin. I’ll even remember it through the Communion cup. Just don’t ask me to change my life, give up my sin or live for you.”
Such a Christian is more interested in the benefits of being a Christian than in becoming a Christ follower. And that’s selfishness at its worst.
To follow Jesus involves more than just a “confession.” It’s a whole new focus for life.
(Taken from Christian Becker’s Blog at
Understanding Conversion
- Justification – Right standing, righteousness, conversion as association
- Sanctification – Holiness, spiritual growth, righteousness, conversion as growth and formation
![]() This is not the Holy Spirit. Spirit is personal presence, not just a power we acquire |
Nature of the Spirit
- Personal
- “Abba,” Father
- Empowerment
- New Relationship
- no condemnation
- New Life