Old Country and Promised Land

Posted by on March 9, 2008 under Sermons

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  1. Protestant Reformation

    16th century challenges to authority of the Pope in Western Europe

    • Lutheran Reformation [Luther, 1517]
    • Reformed Reformation [Zwingli & Calvin, 1518]
    • Radical Reformation/Anabaptists [Menno Simons, 1520’s]
    • English Reformation [Henry VIII & Cromwell, 1530’s]
    • Scottish Reformation [John Knox, 1559]

    “Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason – I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils … my conscience is captive to the Word of God.” — Martin Luther

    “We acknowledge and confess that we now … have two sacraments only, instituted by the Lord Jesus … baptism and the supper, or table of the Lord Jesus.” — Scottish Confession of Faith (1560)

    Legacy of the Reformation

    1. Papal authority rejected
    2. Biblical authority emphasized
    3. Worship simplified
    4. Baptism and Communion essential sacraments
  2. The Enlightenment

    • Philosophical movement during 17th and 18th century.
    • Confidence in the power of human reason.
    • Knowledge comes through experience and observation.
    • All assumptions about life, world and humanity are reconsidered.

    Ren? Descartes (1596-1650)

      “I think, therefore I am.”

    Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

    • Introduced empirical method
    • Promoted Christian unity as reasonable
    • Truth is fruit of experience, not authority

    John Locke (1632-1704)

    • Founder of Empiricism
    • Human Reasoning and the Tabula Rasa
    • Separation of Church and State
    • Power resides with the people

    Thomas Reid (1710-1796)

    • Scottish “Common Sense” School of Philosophy
    • We know things directly
    • University of Glasgow professor

    Legacy of the Enlightenment

    1. Emphasis on Human Reason
    2. Truth is perceived through experience and human senses
    3. Common Sense – “We know things directly and do not infer them through ideas.”
  3. Religious Revival

    • Religious revivals generated new religious movements.
      • Anglican
        • Congregationalists (Cotton, 1636)
        • Quakers (Fox, 1647)
        • Methodists (Wesley, 1729)
      • Reformed
        • Baptists (Williams, 1639)
    • The Great Awakening of 18th century [Johnathan Edwards& George Whitefield] split some mainline churches.
      • Presbyterians
      • Episcopalians

    Legacy of the Revivals

    1. Church autonomy
    2. Evangelicalism – personal saving faith rather than routine membership in the national church
    3. Fractured fellowships – Presbyterians & Anglicans especially
  4. American Democracy

    • The American Colonies are religiously diverse and a refuge from persecution.
    • America is regarded as uncorrupted
    • American democracy appeared to be God’s government.
    • America was destined to be the land of the millennial dawn.

    Great Seal of the United States
    the Great Seal of the United States
    ANNUIT COEPTIS = He has smiled on our beginnings
    NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM = A New Order of the Ages
    “There’s an all-seeing eye …”

    God’s Promised Land

      A battle flag of the Revolution read: “Resistance to Tyrants is Obedience to God”

    Freedom from Church Control

    • Casting out the Anglican Bishop (1769)
    • “No lords spiritual or temporal in New England!”
    • Banner: “Liberty and Freedom of Conscience.”

    The U.S. Constitution

    • If God-ordained nation was possible, why not religion?
    • Many churches organize to become independent American churches.

    Primitive Religion

      “When we shall have unlearned everything which has been taught since [Jesus’] day, and got back to the pure and simple doctrines … if nothing had ever been added … the whole world would at this day have been Christian.” — Thomas Jefferson (1821)

    Christians Only

    • James O’Kelly (1735-1826)
    • Methodist; North Carolina & Virginia
    • “I am for Bible government, Christian equality, and the Christian name.”

    Religious Freedom

    • Abner Jones – Vermont
    • Elias Smith – New Hampshire
    • Baptists
    • New England Christian Connection

    Legacy of American Democracy

    1. Millennial expectations
    2. Independence from older state churches
    3. Primitive, simple religion
    4. Independent churches – religious freedom