Communion to be Our Focus in February Morning Worship

Posted by on February 1, 2004 under Bulletin Articles

On Sunday mornings during the month of February [beginning this Sunday, February 1], the focus of morning assemblies will be on communion. Basically, the following will be each Sunday’s format for the month. With praying and singing together, we will praise God. I will focus our minds on a specific accomplishment God achieved in Jesus’ death and resurrection. We will take communion together as we focus on the sacrifice of Jesus’ body and blood. After remembering the gift which allows us to exist as God’s family, Chris will challenge us to focus on our response to God’s achievement.

Each Sunday morning in the month of February, we [as a congregation] will focus on a different achievement God accomplished in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Each Sunday morning we will be challenged to respond to God’s accomplishment in Jesus’ death and resurrection.

This Sunday morning we will focus on God’s gift of freedom (redemption).

The challenge to worship God as a response to His achievement in giving Jesus’ life for us is an extension of our focus on Sunday evenings. Beginning in January, each Sunday evening we focused on worship as a concept. In January, we noted from scripture in a study of Genesis 4 and Isaiah 1 the first concept: worship must arise from the person’s heart. We also noted the inadequacy of the conviction that we worship because we physically are at a place.

Concept two: worship is a declaration of dependence on God. We stressed this fact: it is possible for a person to be surrounded by those who are worshipping while he/she is not worshipping.

On Sunday evenings in February, we will stress the difference between worshipping God and worshipping idols, the importance of God’s creative power, and the moods of worship. Most of the Life Groups focus on these same lessons about worship concerns in their Sunday evening meetings.

The objective is simple. We want each person to worship God. We deeply appreciate everyone’s presence. In no way would we discourage anyone from attending. Yet, we seek for more to happen than people being present. We want each person’s presence to honor God as he/she glorifies God in his/her mind and heart.

Glorify God in your every word and action all week! Join with us in praising God Sunday! May each of us care about the God Who cares so much about us!