Family Lines — September, 2014

Posted by on September 5, 2014 under Front Page Announcements, Uncategorized

Family Lines — September 7, 2014

Family Lines — September 14, 2014

Family Lines — September 21, 2014

Family Lines — September 28, 2014

Homemade Ice Cream Supper

Posted by on August 26, 2014 under Front Page Announcements, Uncategorized

ice cream slider 2014September 7, 5:30 PM at the Canfield Home.
Bring homemade ice cream, desserts, chips, bottled water, soft drinks, lawn chairs, and/or quilts for a evening of fun and fellowship with family and friends!  Prize for best Homemade Ice Cream!

Family Lines — August, 2014

Posted by on August 1, 2014 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — August 3, 2014

Family Lines — August 10, 2014

Family Lines — August 17, 2014

Family Lines — August 24, 2014

Family Lines — August 31, 2014


Family Lines — July, 2014

Posted by on July 11, 2014 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — July 6, 2014

Family Lines — July 13, 2014

Family Lines — July 20, 2014

Family Lines — July 27, 2014

Family Lines — June, 2014

Posted by on May 30, 2014 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — June 1, 2014

Family Lines — June 8, 2014

Family Lines — June 15, 2014

Family Lines — June 22, 2014

Family Lines — June 29, 2014

CURE in Vilonia & Mayflower, AR

Posted by on May 6, 2014 under CURE, Front Page Announcements, Uncategorized

CURE (Compassionate Utilization of REsources) has made contact with distribution points in the Vilonia and Mayflower, AR areas, plus Baxter Springs, KS.  Specific needs have been identified and loaded from the CURE warehouse. Some of the items required purchase. The first delivery of disaster relief products was made April 30, 2014 by Richard Bullard to Baxter Spring, KS. The second delivery was made on May 1, 2014 by Don Wilson to the Vilonia, AR community.

CURE’s plan is to stay in contact with these distribution points and to continue to support them and provide to them with items they need to meet the needs of others.

Please continue to pray for our drivers and volunteers. There is not doubt that HIS power is working within them, because of the great achievements of service they provide to glorify God.

In Service to Him,
Mat Griffin

Family Lines — May, 2014

Posted by on May 2, 2014 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — May 4, 2014

Family Lines — May 11, 2014

Family Lines — May 18, 2014

Family Lines — May 25, 2014

Notes From “Talk It Up” — April 6, 2014

Posted by on April 25, 2014 under Events, Front Page Announcements

Notes from “Talk It Up” sessions on April 6, 2014

Read Dr. Don Hebbard’s Congregational Assessment

Family Lines — April 2014

Posted by on April 4, 2014 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements, Uncategorized

Family Lines — April 6, 2014

Family Lines — April 13, 2014

Family Lines — April 20, 2014

Family Lines — April 27, 2014

Talk It Up! Discussions For The Day

Posted by on April 1, 2014 under Articles, Bulletin Articles, Events, Front Page Announcements, News

Map for Talk It Up


After worship we will dismiss to discussion groups.  We will have lunch together and discuss the topics below.  Here’s how it works:  

1.  You will choose which topics interest you. 

2.  There will be three 30-minute discussion sessions at approximately 12:00, 12:30, and 1:00 PM.

3.  Each topic below will be the focus for a group in two locations [listed below].  Each of the six topics will take place at the same time in the two locations. Each will be open for all three sessions.

4.  Thus, you should plan on participating in three conversations that interest you the most and going to one of the two rooms listed for that topic during the three 30-minute sessions.

Creating a Seat at the Table [Room 106 & Room 215]

West-Ark has an established core of members who have been a part of the church family for 16 years or more.  West-Ark is also blessed with active members who have been here for less than 16 years. What are the strengths and challenges that come with such a remarkable statistic?  How can we open opportunities for new members to participate in mission and ministry?  How can we be intentional about creating a “seat at the table” for everyone?

Friendship and Membership [Room 212 & Library]

We strive to be a church that is more than just members who attend a weekly meeting.  We believe that Christ has called us to be His friends and friends with one another.  How can we increase friendships within the West-Ark Church family?  How can we create bridges to our friends who are not part of the West-Ark church?  How can we cultivate the spirit of friendship?

A Cord of Three Strands: Finding Spiritual Support [Annex & Room 210]

A majority of members expressed an interest in forming support groups and fellowship groups.  We want to be creative about forming opportunities to build up one another.  How can we promote resources that will help individuals and families manage stress and grow spiritually?  What has helped you and what have you experienced?

Communities within the Church: Mentoring and Groups [Room 225 & Annex Conference Room]

Over the years, West-Ark has developed multiple approaches to small group fellowship.  At this moment in time, what are the best opportunities and approaches for study groups, fellowship groups, and encouragement groups?  In addition to groups, mentoring is a time-honored and biblical means for spiritual growth and making disciples.  How can we help people find mentors and how can we motivate more members to be mentors?

One Spirit, Many Gifts [Room 203 & Room 222]

West-Ark is blessed with a healthy participation rate that is above the expected norm.  Our vision is greater than simply having enough volunteers to handle the work.  We want all members to use the spiritual gifts that God has invested in them.  How can we assist our membership in discovering their spiritual gifts?  How can we empower people to use their gifts?

Keeping the Conversations and Communication Open [Room 100 & Room 211]

Communication is a vital component of our congregation.  We strive to use a variety of methods and technologies to communicate.  Whether it is an “old-school” method or a “cutting edge” technology, our primary goal is communication and conversation.  We welcome your help.  What talents do you have that will help us communicate more effectively?  What creative ideas do you have to share?  How would you be willing to assist in promoting opportunities for communication? Would you have an interest in helping people learn about new technologies and methods?