Family Lines – June 2015

Posted by on June 5, 2015 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines – June 7, 2015

Family Lines – June 14, 2015

Family Lines – June 21, 2015

Family Lines – June 28, 2015

Family Lines – May 2015

Posted by on May 1, 2015 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines – May 3, 2015

Family Lines – May 10, 2015

Family Lines – May 17, 2015

Family Lines – May 24, 2015

Family Lines – May 31, 2015

Family Lines – April, 2015

Posted by on April 2, 2015 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — April 5.2015

Family Lines – April 12, 2015

Family Lines – April 19, 2015

Family Lines – April 26, 2015

Family Lines – March 2015

Posted by on February 27, 2015 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines – March 1, 2015

Family Lines – March 8, 2015

Family Lines – March 15, 2015

Family Lines – March 22, 2015

Family Lines – March 29, 2015

Family Lines – February 2015

Posted by on January 30, 2015 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — February 1, 2015

Family Lines — February 8, 2015

Family Lines — February 15, 2015

Family Lines — February 22, 2015

Family Lines — January 2015

Posted by on January 2, 2015 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — January 4, 2015

Family Lines — January 11, 2015

Family Lines — January 18, 2015

Family Lines — January 25, 2015

Family Lines — December, 2014

Posted by on December 5, 2014 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — December 7, 2014

Family Lines — December 14, 2014

Family Lines — December 21, 2014

Family Lines — November 2014

Posted by on October 31, 2014 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — November 2, 2014

Family Lines — November 9, 2014

Family Lines — November 16, 2014

Family Lines — November 23, 2014

Missions Goal for 2015

Posted by on October 20, 2014 under Front Page Announcements, Missions


As of Nov. 12, the current total of gifts and pledges is $198,053.  That is 80% of the budgeted amount.  We are grateful for all who have given and all who have yet to give so that we might reach 100% of the goal.

2015 MISSIONS GOAL IS SET: $247,103

The mission committee has spent much time in prayer and conversation considering all the needs for current mission efforts.  The next year, 2015, also presents special opportunities for growth in mission faithfulness.

The amount that we hope to raise in contribution and pledges is $247,103.  If we reach the fundraising goal, then all of these works can be fully funded.  This congregation has met the mission goals in the past with a spirit of dedication and joyful giving.  Please be prayerful about the needs that have been submitted this year.  These are momentary opportunities that will make an eternal difference.

Our Mission Weekend is Oct. 25-26, 2014

Our Mission Giving Sunday is Nov. 2, 2014

Watch this page for links to new information!

Our speaker for Oct. 19 is Phil Jackson of Mission Resource Network.

Phil grew up in Arkansas and Texas, the son of a minister’s family. He received his B.B.A. from Harding University and later his J.D. from the University of Arkansas. After completing their respective educations, Phil and his wife, Rebecca, met on a short-term mission trip in Bucharest, Romania in 1991. That mission trip turned their interests toward Romania and each other, and they returned to Bucharest in 1993 as a missionary family. They worked three years with the Bucharest church, also helping start the church in Ploiesti, a city located 40 miles from Bucharest. In 1996, they and another mission family moved to Cluj, located in northwest Romania, and began planting a church there. The Jacksons also organized and promoted an annual Christian camp and national church conferences in Bucharest.

The family returned to the States and Phil joined Missions Resource Network in 2002. As European Facilitator, Phil is recruiting long-term mission teams for strategic locations throughout Europe and working with missionaries and churches to develop effective mission strategies for those locations. They have two children and are members of the Prestoncrest Church of Christ in Dallas.

Our speaker for Oct. 26 is Behailu Abebe.

Behailu Abebe has years of experience in efforts to save lives and to save souls.  Behailu is and has been a minister, evangelist, translator, radio broadcaster, school coordinator and director of humanitarian life-saving projects.  In the 1980’s Behailu directed the Church of Christ Famine Relief Project, which raised eight million dollars and saved 128,000 from dying of hunger.  He has served as coordinator for Schools for the Deaf and Preacher Training Schools in Ethiopia.  He manages the Water Development Project that has dug over 540 wells providing fresh water for over 2.5 million people.  He coordinates the broadcast of World Radio Amharic Service into Ethiopia, which reaches 90 million listeners.  He also translates biblical studies into the Amharic language.

Behailu was baptized in 1964.  He and his wife, Alem Seyefu, have been married since 1962.  They have four children.  Behailu and his wife currently reside in Seattle, Washington.  In addition to continuing his ministry to his native country of Ethiopia, he is also involved in outreach to African immigrants in the Seattle area and active in the Holgate Church of Christ in Seattle.


Family Lines — October 2014

Posted by on October 3, 2014 under Bulletins, Front Page Announcements

Family Lines — October 5, 2014

Family Lines — October 12, 2014

Family Lines — October 19, 2014

Family Lines — October 26, 2014