Posted by Chris on February 11, 2007 under Sermons
West-Ark Church of Christ Order of Worship
February 11, 2007
“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body and be thankful”
“Lord, I Lift Your Name On High”
“Great Are You Lord”
#238 – “You Are the Song That I Sing”
Psalm 95 – Responsive Reading
Children’s Song and Devotional
(All children to the front for time of singing and devotional thought)
Sing – “I’ve got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart!”
#474 – “Thank You, Lord”
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, and sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs”
#587 – “Sing and Be Happy” (vs. 1, 2, 3)
#121 – “Come Let Us All Unite To Sing” (vs. 1, 2, 3)
#258 – “The New Song” (vs. 1, 2, 3)
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
We have an a cappella style of singing. We are not the only religious fellowship to maintain a cappella singing. [Most notably Eastern Orthodox churches.] The term a cappella means “in the manner of the church or chapel.” What does it mean then to sing “in the manner of the church”? Especially if we understand church to be a family of believers rather than a building or institution. Does it simply mean “without instruments?” Or does it indicate a positive and sacred view of what it means to sing and praise?
All nature praises its Creator. The goodness of the creation declares the glory of the God who made it. But out of this entire symphony of praise and thanksgiving, God created just one instrument to praise him in words: the human voice.
And those words that we use to give thanks and praise our God also communicate to each other. We teach each other. We counsel each other with a wisdom that has been transmitted over generations. Did you know that it was possible to do that through songs?
In World War 1, we learn a lot about the experience of soldiers fighting in the Turkish military through their songs. Many of those soldiers were illiterate and though they could not write their stories in journals, they composed songs.
Throughout human history, we’ve shared wisdom through songs, epic poems, anthems. Even Genesis 1 has a cadence and repetition that could be described as a song. The wonder of a song or hymn is that it has a tune, rhythm, and structure that evokes memory and thus builds a connection and unity.
A friend once told me of a story that took place at the beginning of WW2. He had just finished Marine basic training and was in San Francisco waiting to be shipped out. He was feeling lonely, worried, lost. So he found a church service there one night. As he went into the chapel they were singing a hymn that was his mother’s favorite. She had sung this hymn when he was a child. Even though different people far away were singing this hymn it evoked memory and brought comfort to this soldier.
Songs are participatory and create unity as well as memory. In the last congregation I served, the youth got into the habit of singing some of “their” songs before the worship began. They had a few adults who helped them out too. In time, there were a few of those “new” songs that were particularly captivating. And the rest of the congregation wanted to learn those songs and they adopted them. “Their” songs transformed into “our” songs and we were all blessed to share in the unity of songs old and new.
Singing then is an expression of our praise and thanksgiving to our Creator. It is an expression and participation in our unity with one another. But there’s one other phrase in this familiar text that sometimes goes overlooked: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. What does it mean to let the word of Christ dwell in us? What would it mean to dwell in the Word of Christ?
The subject of personal knowledge, or indwelling, has been hotly discussed in the late 20th century. It proposes that we do not just know things objectively and dispassionately through our senses, but that we actually know what we know some things because of our personal commitment to knowing them. (Reference: see Michael Polanyi, Personal Knowledge, 1964)
God knows us because he is personally committed to us. We know Christ when we are personally committed to him. When we sing, praise, lament, and speak the word of God to one another we dwell in the word of Christ – we live in it, embody it, and shape our lives by it.
Colossians 3 1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. |
Song for Responses#674 – “I Have Decided To Follow Jesus” (vs. 1, 2, 3, 4)
“… with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
#781 – “Thank You, Lord!”
Offering#458 – “Redeemed” (vs. 1, 3)
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
#608 – “He Gave Me A Song” (vs. 1, 2, 3)
Sending Out Prayer by an elder
Posted by Chris on February 4, 2007 under Sermons
Back to the Bible:
- Restoration Heritage:
- Campbell:
- The Ancient Gospel (Theology)
- The Ancient Order (Church)
- The Bible is a book of facts (and the pertinent section is Acts 2 and on)
- This part of our heritage is good, but let us go deeper …
- Biblical Restorations:
- Josiah:
- Great is the Lord’s anger that is poured out on us because our fathers have not kept the word of the Lord; they have not acted in accordance with all that is written in this book. — 2 Chronicles 34:21
- Ezra and Nehemiah:
- They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people could understand what was being read. – Nehemiah 8:8
- Divine “ways” were re-established …
- The Word of God is rediscovered.
- The People of God are changed as a result.
- Restoration Among Us:
- Our work of restoration is not finished.
- Restoration is a process, not an event
- It is not just a one-time event in our lives or in history.
- Scripture is not simply “entry-level truth.”
- Too often we seem to think we have the basics from the Bible and now we search through other materials (secular and religious) for that which will take us to the next level of maturity.
- These are stale views of Scripture, the Word of God is life-changing.
- Consider this:
- “The Word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than every double edged sword, piercing until it divides soul and spirit, joint and marrow, and judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” – Hebrews 4 (Not just a weapon, but a scalpel)
- “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God might be well equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16 (Emphasize training in righteousness)
- The motivation and rationale for moral behavior is rooted in foundational beliefs:
- Christian worldview is the basis of a Christian lifestyle
- Paul always established the theological principles before concluding the pragmatic.
- We must also engage core biblical teaching.
- Before we can change the world around us, we must be changed.
- Is our worldview different?
- Are our ethics based on principles other than the culture?
- If not, then we have nothing to offer the world.
Opening the Bible:
- Instead of just shaking out a few scattered nuggets of wisdom from the Bible …
- Suggestion:
- Be aware of history and literary types (genres)
- Beware of forcing a modern issue or agenda back into the original message.
- Begin with the Foundational Concepts:
- Universal Truths
- Not cultural, regional, or temporal matters
- Foundational Elements:
- God is first and most important.
- Christ is second, but helps us understand God.
- Likewise with Spirit.
- Sin has to do with humanity’s situation with God and related to next idea …
- Salvation, a God-initiated alternative to the other.
- Church, the result of salvation and dependent upon God, Christ, Spirit.
- End Time, speaks for itself.
- These are not dependent upon greater concept, save that which is higher on the list.
- Missing a concept? Look again:
- What about Baptism?
- Pledge of a good conscience before God – 1 Peter 3
- Baptized into Christ (see Romans 6, Galatians 3)
- Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2)
- Dead to sin – (Romans 6)
- The response of those who would be saved (Acts 2)
- Baptized walk in newness of life (Romans 6)
- Hope of the resurrection (Romans 6)
- Of course this assumes we have done some work in this other areas.
- Let’s major in majors, and minor in minors.
“Doing Theology”:
- Are we doing theology?:
- This is not egghead stuff. (Scholasticism)
- This is not biblical trivia.
- This is not difficult
- “meat of the word” — It was used as a cop out when discussions got deep
- Paul believed that the Corinthians (among others) were up to such discussions
- And he regarded the Corinthians as not being much by worldly standards
- If they were up to this then we are!
- This is foundational.
- Make a choice:
- We could remain shallow
- Comfortable and non-threatening (a little advice now and then)
- Go for the emotional boost (self-help, devotional, practical advice)
- Maintain the empty rituals (Minimum Daily Requirements, superficial)
- We can get deep!
- Rise above the world and culture
- Be changed in heart, soul, mind, and life by God’s truth.
- Are you ready for a change?
- Real change, not adjustments of style, etc.
- If you do not believe in God but are confronted with his reality – you will change.
- If you do not know Christ but are confronted by his teaching and the Gospel – you will change.
- What if we honestly confronted what it means to live by the Spirit, dead to sin, working our salvation, walking in newness of life, hoping for the resurrection? Would we change? YES!
Posted by Chris on under Sermons
West-Ark Church of Christ Order of Worship
February 4, 2007
Call to Worship
Jesus encourages us to pray. If we can be known for anything, then let us be known as a people who pray without ceasing. Let us pray not only for ourselves, but also for one another and for the sake of the world.
Jesus teaches us to pray. [Read Luke 11:1-4.] We call this the “model prayer” and yet how often do we conform to the model? This morning, we are modeling our worship on the model prayer. Our movements in worship are based on the petitions of Jesus’ prayer lesson. So let’s follow the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ who encourages us to ask, seek, knock, and to pray. The prayer is given to us in plural form – notice how often it says “our and us.” Let us pray this prayer together by reading it now, and let this be our entry into our service of worship …
Congregational Reading of Luke 11:1-4
#2 – “We Praise Thee, O God” (vs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
#15 – “Step By Step”
Our Father in heaven, hallowed is your name.
#797 – “Lord We Come Before Thee Now” (vs. 1, 2, 3, 4)
#704 – “Bind Us Together”
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
#525 – “He Knows Just What I Need” (vs. 1, 2, 3)
Give us today our daily bread.
#357 – “Bethlehem?Galilee?Gethsemane”
All around the Lord’s Supper the humanity of Jesus Christ is obvious. His love and concern for his disciples. His anxiety over the impending crucifixion. His forgiveness and compassion even for those who mistreated him. Our Lord displays his humanity through his prayers. Jesus prays often during the gospel event. He gives thanks for the bread and cup. He prays in the garden and asks for another way, yet he submits himself to God’s way. He encourages his disciples to pray with him and for him and for themselves. He prays on the cross and intercedes for those who are caught up in the frenzy of accusation and judgment. Jesus prays. If you will read John 17 you will find that he even prayed for you and me!
Perhaps this should teach us that we are very much like Christ when we pray. Perhaps this should teach us that we are most human when we pray. We come to the Lord’s Supper as anxious souls hungry for the bread of life. We pray, “Give us today our daily bread.” And our Father, who knows what we need, gives to us even Himself and His own Spirit.
Prayer at the Lord’s Table
Prayer for Offering & Ministry
#660 – “People Need The Lord” (repeat)
#800 – “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” (vs. 1, 2, 3) [Dismiss to Children’s Worship]
And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
#810 – “Listen To Our Hearts” (vs. 1, 2)
#413 – “Lord Be There”
#390 – “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah” (vs. 1, 2, 3)
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Invitation to Prayer and Baptism
A simple man once said that “Life without adversity would be … well, it might be kind of nice.” True. But adversity seems to be a part of life. Every one of us has known some form of it.
When we pray to God “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” We acknowledge that we do not live in a perfect world. We live in a broken world – sure there is still much that is good in this world, but it is not what God intends for it to be. So we live in a world where there is adversity.
Adversity is no indicator of how much or how little God loves us, even though it can seem that way. Adversity is no indicator of how righteous we are, even though our own actions can bring adversity into our lives – and yet if we are trying to find fault and blame we can get into a never-ending spiral of cause and event that would take us back to the Garden of Eden.
Rather, it is our response to adversity that ought to concern us: This week I have had many occasions to reflect on just how the Evil One works. Do you know what Satan’s name means? It comes from the Hebrew word for “accuser.” The evil one seeks to accuse us – especially in our adversity. As he tried to do with Christ in the desert, the evil one comes to us in our time of trial and aims to convict us without hope and draw out our worst and most sinful nature.
Watch out for his schemes! What shall we do with our anxiety and anger? What shall we do with our fear and sorrow? Rather than deny that we are human, let us turn to Our Father in heaven in prayer. Let us ask for wisdom. Let us ask, seek, and knock and trust that the love of our Father in heaven is greater than the accusation of the evil one.
Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Every Sunday we offer an invitation. It is an invitation to be delivered from the evil one. Christ invites us to the waters of baptism so that we might be delivered from evil. Baptism and repentance are entwined seamlessly – if you have been baptized then understand that your baptism is a death to sin but you are alive to God in Jesus Christ (Rom. 6). If you are considering being baptized then repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins.
The invitation is also an invitation to prayer. Are any of you in trouble? Are any of you sick? Then pray and the Lord will lift you up (James 5).
#791 – “On Bended Knee” (vs. 1, 2)
[During this hymn you may meet with elders in Room 100 for prayer or come to the front and share your request for prayer or baptism]
#539 – “Higher Ground” (vs. 1, 2, 4)
Sending Out Prayer by an elder
Posted by Chris on January 28, 2007 under Sermons
Read Acts 1:15-26. There was a need in the church. They were only 120 strong, but they were filled with new hope and expectation. However, when Eleven of Jesus’ apostles gathered together to teach and serve the others there was that empty seat reminding them of Judas’ betrayal. It was Peter who broke the tension and named what could have gone unspoken. Quoting Scripture he said, “May another take his place of leadership.”
And God allowed this group of prayerful and trusting leaders to make a choice with his involvement. Notice how they were blessed: Instead of an empty chair or a memory of betrayal, they discovered that there were two men among them capable of leading as apostles. There were two among them who could witness to the works and teaching of Jesus Christ. And they are blessed because through their prayers and their process of casting lots they become God’s instrument to call out leaders for the needs of the church.
Nothing more is specifically said of either one of these men. I don’t know why not, but maybe this should show us that even though Matthias is chosen, Justus is also affirmed. The way Luke describes that time in the church’s life I think it is safe to assume that both of them served as Christ-like leaders in the way the church needed them to do.
Read Acts 6:1-7 – There was a need in the growing church. The church had become more diverse and they were meeting the needs of more people. The Twelve were responsible for the distribution of food, but they were also especially responsible for the ministry of the Word and prayer. Instead of holding all that authority, they shared it. And once again the church, even this diverse church that was made up of different cultures, attitudes, and troubled with a little bit of conflict – even this church became the instrument that God used to call out leaders for the needs of the church. And the church was blessed again: The proposal to add seven new leaders to serve in the distribution of food pleased the whole group. Conflict gave way to agreement in the Holy Spirit. Notice the conclusion of the episode: “So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.” The word of God spread because leadership was shared.
Principles for Searching Out Shepherds:
- The church is the instrument that God uses to call leaders for the needs of the church. God does not have to use the church, but his spirit works through the community of faith in a graciously cooperative way to meet the needs of the people, not only by providing them leaders but by providing them the opportunity to call out and recognize those leaders. In this way all the church, not just those named leaders, become keenly aware of how God has gifted and equipped the church to participate in life together and in his mission.
- Leadership is from above and below
- Above – Leadership is a gift from God (Ephesians 4:8-11; 1 Timothy 4:14). God is involved in the calling out of leaders. The church is not so arrogant or dull to assume that this is nothing more than an administrative task. They believe that the activity of God and the Spirit of Christ is directing the choice.
- Below – The whole body has a sort of “oversight” when it comes to “scoping out” overseers. When the Twelve tell the church to “seek out” seven leaders, the word for “seek out/choose” is taken from the same root word that gives us the word for overseers/bishops. To “scope out” means to concern oneself with something. It means watching out for something. In this case, the church is watching out for those who can “lead for the need.” Leadership responds to the needs of God’s people for guidance and service. The choosing of leaders is not an effort to give some a place of prominence. It is an effort to provide leaders who can serve the needs of the church and steward the church’s mission. Acts 1 and Acts 6 describe the recognition of different types of leaders, and Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3 also respond to the selection of different types of leaders. But one thing is common: all of these leaders are not merely filling a slot; they serve a function in the life of the Christian community. They serve the needs of the church so that the church may grow in Christ and go forward in the mission.
- Leadership in the church is functional, not official
- Leadership arises from the community’s quite mundane but utterly necessary needs. The function of elders is to teach us how to live. They are models of the Christian life. They are in a way not totally unlike the Apostles, witnesses to the risen Christ.
- Serving as an elder is not filling an office. It isn’t a seat on a board of directors. The elder has an important function in the life of the church. In Acts 1 and Acts 6, the need for an additional apostle and for seven to share in the work of service is so that the church may continue its Christ-directed mission. In 1 Timothy 3, Paul describes the work of overseeing and a noble work. It is work that is good for the church.
- Leadership in the body of Christ is shared
- Church leaders are empowered by the Spirit. Notice that one of the criteria for choosing the seven in Acts 6 is to find men who full of the Holy Spirit. This phrase acknowledges that God’s Spirit is what leads and empowers the church to participate faithfully in the mission of God. Leaders who are not saturated with the Spirit will have their own agenda, or they may worry that the burden of leadership is all on their shoulders. But a leader filled with the Holy Spirit understands that Christ is the Chief Shepherd and the burden of leadership is shared with other leaders in harmony with the spirit of Christ.
How all of these principles shape our current process …
- We are confident that the West-Ark congregation is capable of being the instrument that God uses to identify and recognize men of Christ-like character and filled with a godly spirit. As sheep, we recognize our shepherds.
- So, the initial phase of this process (Jan 28 to Feb 4) involves every baptized member of this congregation. We want each of you to take a form and write on that form the names of the men whom you regard to be shepherds.
- This is neither a popular vote nor a simple nomination for office. If there is a man that many of you regard as a shepherd, that does indicate something that our current elders will certainly consider. What we are actually asking you to do is to name those men whom you consider a shepherd and whom you would recommend to the rest of the congregation as shepherds. Don’t worry whether anyone else names the same men you do. Don’t think you shouldn’t name someone if someone else has already named them. Don’t think you shouldn’t name someone if no one else names them. We ask you to reflect your own convictions after prayer and study.
- Since we are convinced that God’s spirit is working through this entire process, we ask you to give this serious consideration. You really need more to go on than just choosing someone because he will be “your man in office” or because you think he’s neat or you want to balance power because you know who your friend is nominating and you think you know how that will effect the church. Those are trivial and faithless approaches to searching out shepherds. We can do better than that. God’s in control and let’s open ourselves to his will.
- After February 4th when all the forms are submitted, the current elders will shepherd the nominees. They will approach them and discuss their interest in serving as elders. (Of course that doesn’t prevent you from encouraging the men you want to name, you may do so.) Now, as the current elders work with these men who’ve been named they will be equipped by the “response” you have given them. Remember, the current elders are also God’s instrument in this process. They are working cooperatively with the flock.
- So, your first task is to pray, study, and recommend those you recognize as good shepherds. Fill out the form, sign it, and get it into the drop box before Feb. 4. This is our opportunity to be a part of what God is doing to provide leadership for his people. This is how we ought to live our lives and our life together – as though God is always working through us. …
Chris Benjamin
West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR
Morning Sermon, 28 January 2007
Like a Shepherd Lead Us “Searching For Shepherds” January 28, 2007
Acts 1:15-26
- The church discovers t_____ ___________ capable of leading.
- The church becomes God’s instrument for c__________ ______ leaders for the n____________ of the church.
Acts 6:1-7
- The p___________ to add seven new leaders p_______ the whole church.
- The word of God s_________ because leadership was s__________. (v. 7)
Principles for Searching Out Shepherds
- God uses the ________ to call out leaders for the needs of the _________.
- Leadership comes from a__________ and b___________.
- Leadership in the church is f_______________ rather than o___________.
- Leadership in the church is s______________.
Posted by Chris on January 21, 2007 under Sermons
Teaching the Faith
The apostles are the models for church elders, just as Jesus is the model for all church leaders.
- Promoting healthy belief and thus healthy believers (Titus 1:9; 2:1; 3:8).
- Guarding the gospel against different doctrine (Acts 20:30; Titus 1:11).
- Knowing, preaching, and teaching the faith (1 Timothy 3:6; 5:17).
- Ministry of word and prayer (Acts 6)
Shepherding the Flock
- Protecting the church from “wolves” (Acts 20:28-31). Among the wolves are those who cause dissension and strife.
- Ensuring good “nutrition” for the flock (John 21:15-19).
- Taking care of flock with caring authority (1 Timothy 3:4-5; 1 Thessalonians 5:12; Hebrews 13:17).
Consoling the Hurting
- Consoling with the consolation they have received from God (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
- Praying and “anointing” the sick and sinful (James 5:14-16) –
- Dealing with each one gently
- like a nurse caring for the sick
- like a father with his children (1 Thessalonians 2:7,11).
Encouraging Christian Formation
- Nurturing Christians as Christ is formed in them (Galatians 4:19).
- Maturing believers to grow into the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:14,15).
- Leading the believers to go beyond the basic teaching and toward maturity (Hebrews 6:1). Maturity and the fullness of Christ is the goal and purpose for all the gifts of the spirit.
Building Community
- Building believers into a “household of faith” (1 Corinthians 3:10-18).
- Facilitating the “one another” ministries:
- mutually edifying (Romans 14:19);
- accepting (Romans 15:7);
- serving (Galatians 5:13);
- offering hospitality (1 Peter 4:9);
- encouraging (1 Thessalonians 5:11, 14).
- Enabling us to use gifts for the common good (1 Corinthians 12:4-7).
Equipping Saints for Ministry
- Equipping Christians for their God-given ministries (Ephesians 4:12).
- Encouraging each part of the body to be “joined and knit together,” working properly in love (Ephesians 4:16).
- Calling saints to be good stewards of the gifts each has received (1 Peter 4:10-11).
Facilitating Reconciliation
- Promoting oneness of mind and purpose in the body through devotion to the interests of others (Philippians 2:1-5).
- Overseeing the practice of Matthew 18.
- Romans 16:17 (“keep an eye on–and avoid– those who cause dissensions and offenses”).
- Offering counsel to members in conflict (1 Corinthians 6:1-6).
Restoring the Fallen
- Gently restoring those who have sinned (Galatians 6:1-5)
- Affirming love and forgiveness to the penitent (2 Corinthians 2:5-11)
- Saving some from the fire (Jude 23)
- Prayers of restoration (James 5:15)
Above adapted from material presented by Dr. Charles Siburt at the ACU Fall Lectureship 2006.
Posted by Chris on under Sermons
Take a look at a nation that is at its worst:
- Its people are consumed with wealth and they will use every means legal and illegal to acquire wealth. Call it greed or stealing, it works the same.
- Relationships have very little meaning. Adultery and infidelity are taken for granted. Homosexuality and casual sex are encouraged. Children are not a blessing, but a financial liability.
- Substance abuse is widespread and overt; the virtue of self-discipline is in sharp decline.
- Criminal offenses are not dealt with in the name of justice, but in the name of financial compensation.
- Honesty is a rare commodity and one’s creativity at bending the truth is applauded.
The People on Crete are Cretans
You may assume that this is our USA, but I assure you that this is civilization on the island of Crete about 2,000 years ago. Despite the fact that there are disturbing parallels, the reputation of Crete in the first century was worse than our greatest concerns for our own nation.
- Crete had a reputation of immorality, dishonesty and greed. Ancient writers often spoke of the decline of a once great civilization. By the first century, the island nation of Crete had become known as a degenerate, backwater cesspool of warped virtues. What was once the inspiration for Utopia and Atlantis, had become the scorn of the rest of the world.
- Cretan courts were not interested in justice, but in financial compensation. For instance, a crime as serious as rape did not incur punishment, but a fine. On Crete, mothers could choose to leave their children to die, but only if the father did not want the child. And when a mother killed an infant without the father’s consent, she was charged a hefty fine.
- In an attempt to control the population, Crete sanctioned sexual relationships between adult men and boys. It was so common that it was considered unusual for a man not to have a youth as a lover.
- Crete had broken down politically so that by the first century it had become a collection of city-states that were often in conflict. Piracy was the major industry of the island.
- Examples of dishonesty and greed …
- Imagine having the task to bring the gospel to such a land. Imagine how you would begin to teach and encourage the believers who had to live in such an anti-culture. As if all of that weren’t enough of a problem, there were also troublemakers in the church that were causing divisions.
- From Paul’s letter we get some sense of the problem. There was a group of troublemakers who saw an opportunity to take advantage of the church. “For there are many rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision group. They must be silenced, because they are ruining whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach-and that for the sake of dishonest gain.” (1:10-11)
- Titus found himself engaged in controversies and quarrels with these troublemakers. He may have been trying to argue with them about Jewish mythology, the finer points of tradition, and other disputable matters. It makes for good debate, but it doesn’t really help anyone to live better lives. Rather, its tearing up the family of God on Crete.
- So Paul is writing to suggest that Titus spend his time doing something different. Paul left Titus on Crete to straighten out what was unfinished. That included empowering positive leadership. And we get the sense from all of Paul’s letter that he thinks it would be better for Titus to build up the positive leadership rather than try to hopelessly bring down the negative leaders (because they just keep coming back like termites).
Titus’ Unfinished Business
Paul may have worked with the church in Crete, may have even helped establish it there, when he was there before his shipwreck in Malta. Acts 27 mentions how Paul was a prisoner being taken to Rome for trial. It makes sense that Paul, as a prisoner, would have limited time to help nurture the faithful on Crete. But he might have taken an interest in their growth and thus sent his associates, like Titus, to work with the believers in a culture that was very hostile to the virtues of faith. Paul’s strategy for Titus, his unfinished business, was to …
- Appoint elders in every town. (1:5) There needed to be someone in that culture who could demonstrate what godly living was all about.
- Someone who is blameless. (1:6) Here’s the generic virtue. A blameless man isn’t a perfect man, but a man who lives in such a way that no sustainable charge can be lodged against him. [In our political atmosphere, we often want to think about background checks and sins of the past. The quality of blamelessness is a present quality. Consider Peter: He denied Christ but he was considered an elder (1 Peter 5).] Paul is reminding Titus of the type of character an elder should have. So when he says that he must be a one-woman man, he means that the man has to demonstrate fidelity to his wife. Remember how loose morals are on Crete. When he notes that the man must have faithful children who aren’t open to charges of being wild and disobedient, he proposes this as a check of the man’s ability to form character in others. It’s basic to shepherding because …
- An overseer must be blameless as the steward of “God’s house.” (1:7) Titus won’t be on Crete forever. If he spends all his time combating the troublemakers then there may be balance as long as he’s there. But what happens once Titus leaves? There’s an old saying that the best way to keep weeds out of your yard is to grow healthy grass. The elder is the steward and caretaker of the household of God. If he is blameless, then he models the virtues of Christ that need to be nurtured in all the faithful. When you look at this comparison of what an elder must be and must not be, consider that there’s not really anything in this that any of us can ignore in our own development of character: Not arrogant, not inclined to anger (short-tempered), not a drunkard, not belligerent, not greedy for money; rather hospitable, loving the good, self-controlled, righteous, devout, disciplined.
A Good Grasp on the Gospel (1:9)
The qualities mentioned are very basic. They also respond to the situation on Crete, as the people of that culture were reputed for being contentious, abusive, drunkards, excessive and greedy. Paul describes one more quality that is important for the on-going task of being an overseer. The man needs to have a good grasp on the gospel. He needs to have an integrity and depth in his understanding and use of the teaching that was passed on to him. Why? For two important, yet related, reasons …
- So he will be able to encourage others with healthy teaching. We often translate the phrase as sound doctrine. The word we translate sound is the same word that gives us hygiene. Paul suggests that the teaching of the gospel is not just right, but it is good for us. He wants Titus and these overseers to stress the “things are excellent and profitable for everyone.” (3:8) That’s healthy teaching.
- So he will be able to correct antagonists. (See Titus 1:16; 3:10-11.) Likewise, the faithful model of these elders will stand in opposition to the troublemakers and their unhealthy teaching. The only result of their defiant and deceptive approach is to ruin households and line their own pockets. Yet, the example and the teaching of these godly men may actually serve to correct some of these troublemakers. Here’s the goodness of the gospel: It forms in us the character and concern even for those who would become our opponents. The gospel isn’t a weapon for their destruction rather it is an invitation to healthy living.
Teach Us How To Live
- Avoid controversies, arguments and quarrels (3:9).
- Sound doctrine is healthy teaching (2:11-15)
- Elders live out healthy teaching and thus teach us how to live. (2:1-6)
Chris Benjamin
West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR
Morning Sermon, 21 January 2007
Like a Shepherd Lead Us “Teach Us How To Live” January 21, 2007
The People on Crete are Cretans
- Crete had a reputation of i___________, d___________, and g_________.
- T_________________ in the church are causing d_______________.
- Paul left Titus on Crete to s_________ ______ what was unfinished.
Titus’ Unfinished Business
- Appoint e_____________ in every town. (1:5)
- Someone who is b_________________. (1:6)
- An overseer must be b________________ as the s_____________ of “God’s house.” (1:7)
A Good Grasp on the Gospel (1:9)
- So he will be able to e__________________ others with h_________ ______________.
- So he will be able to c_____________ antagonists. (See Titus 1:16; 3:10-11)
Teach Us How To Live
- Avoid c_______________, a______________, and q______________. (3:9)
- Sound doctrine is h________________ t______________. (2:11-15)
- Elders l_____ _______ h___________ t____________ and thus teach us how to live. (2:1-6)
Posted by Chris on January 14, 2007 under Sermons
- Elders in ancient communities were honored men of wisdom, not officials
- Function more important than title
- The church ministers to one another (1 Corinthians 12:28)
Acts 20:17-35
- Three terms used for same leaders of the Ephesian Christians:
- elders (presbyteros) v. 17
- overseers (episkopos) v. 28a
- to shepherd (poimainein) v. 28b
Watch over yourselves and all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit placed you as overseers to shepherd (infinitive verb) the church of God which he saved with his own blood.
προσέχετε (imperative) be concerned about, care for, pay attention to …
Paul states the actual duties of elders in vss. 28-31.
- “Keep watch over yourselves” indicates that the first duty of leaders is to ensure their own integrity and character. As with Paul’s personal example, only those who demonstrate sacrifice and commitment should be leaders.
- The passage makes extensive use of the shepherd image: “and to your flock … to feed (literally “to shepherd”) the church of God.
- The shepherd’s task is to “be shepherds of the flock” (v. 28NIV). This role includes herding and feeding the flock.
- Verse 29 indicates that the shepherd’s task will be to protect the flock from wolves that threaten. The image of wolves points to false teaching.
- The emphasis on herding and feeding is evident in Ezekiel 34:13-16, where God take the role of shepherd.
- Jesus’ description of himself as the good shepherd (John 10:7-9) provides another dimension: the selflessness of the shepherd.
1 Peter 5:1-3
- Three terms combined again:
- elders (presbyteros) v. 1
- shepherd (poimanate) v. 2a
- over seeing (episkopountes) v. 2b
“poimanate” – [imperative] “shepherd the flock of God (under your care), over seeing … .
“episkopountes” – [participle] “caring for, looking after, watching over”
- English = Bishop, Overseer, Guardian, Supervisor
- Term used for a wide range of functions: overseer of slaves, head of mint, construction foreman.
- Used of the gods in pagan literature
- Usage in 1 Peter 2:25
- Acts 1:20 – “May another take his place of leadership” (NIV)
- Quoting Psalm 109:8
- Hebrew = (p’qudah)
- Paul describes the church leaders as overseers (v. 28). The Greek episkopos (epi=over; skopos=see) is most commonly translated “bishop.” It may also be translated “supervisor” (super=over; visor=see).
- It was the common term in secular life for a supervisor at work or in the field. The passage suggests the authoritative role of elders/bishops.
- What is the real meaning of episkopos? Overseer? Guide? Caretaker? Superintendant? How is the word used in ancient literature? How would we translate this generic term today?
- The KJV (bishop) has more to do with 17th century hierarchy and church leadership in England than the actual meaning of the term. They equated the term with their understanding of a church officer.
- Other than Acts 1:20 and Pastorals, word is used in Philippians 1:1
How can the terms elder, shepherd, overseer be used interchangeably by Paul if they carry vastly different meanings?
- What are they overseers/caretakers/superintendants over? What is it they care for? (Souls! People! The Flock!) – See 1 Peter 2:25
- God is the shepherd and guardian of our souls (not business)
1 Timothy 3:1-2
- Striving for the “episkope”
- Word “office” is implied; a charge or responsibility
- He desires a good/noble work
- The “overseer” must be …
- The nature of the work demands a certain character
Titus 1:5-7
- Appoint elders in every city (v. 5)
- Following Paul’s guidelines (v. 6)
- Rationale: An overseer must be blameless as God’s steward (oikonomon) – v. 7
Notice that function is more significant as title. These terms convey a sense of function and role within the community
Didache 15:1-2 [not scripture]
Therefore, elect for yourselves bishops and deacons worthy of the Lord, men who are meek and not lovers of money, true and approved, for they also perform for you the ministry of the prophets and teachers. Therefore, do not despise them, for they are your honorable men, along with the prophets and teachers.
Posted by Chris on under Sermons
“You learn far more from negative leadership than from positive leadership. Because you learn how not to do it. And, therefore, you learn how to do it.” – Norman Schwarzkopf
With this quote in mind let us read Ezekiel 34 and learn from God’s judgment of bad shepherds of Israel. Our goal of course is to what God does not want in shepherds, and therefore what he does want.
Read Ezekiel 34:1-10 – Five contrasts drawn from this text between bad shepherds and good shepherds will show us what God expects of the spiritual leaders of his people …
Bad Shepherds – Take advantage of the flock
Good Shepherds – Take care of the flock
Lynn Anderson wrote the story of his trip to Palestine: the tour guide was speaking of the way the good shepherd leads his sheep and he began to tell of a time when, as if on cue, a man same by chasing after a herd of sheep throwing rocks at them and whacking them with sticks. The guide got off the bus and chided the man saying, “I was just telling these tourist about the gentle shepherd who leads his sheep.” The man said, “You’ve got it wrong. I’m not a shepherd, I’m a butcher.” (See Lynn Anderson, They Smell Like Sheep)
When Israel demanded Samuel for a king, the prophet warned them about the corruption of power. He said that the day would come when a king would take their children and press them into his service. He would take their property and a tenth of their harvest and give it to his attendants. He would take what was theirs and use it for himself. The end result is that they would become slaves of the king (1 Samuel 8:10-18).
Last Sunday we noticed how our typical models of leadership do not fit the kingdom model. God allowed his people to have a king (even though it wasn’t his idea). But God redefined what a king over his people would be. He would be a shepherd who cares for the sheep, rather than a shepherd who consumes the sheep for his own benefit.It is one thing to be called out as a leader for the sake of others, it is another thing entirely to need to be a leader over others for your own sake.
When leaders need the position of leadership to gain power, control, or visibility for themselves, then they do not care much for the people who God want them to serve. Shepherds in God’s church are not called to use up the gifts and abilities of the people and to use the resources of the congregation in order to satisfy their own desires for control or recognition.
Colin Powell tells the story of his early days as an officer. After noticing that many of his men were being picked off by snipers, he order a set of flack jackets and outfitted his frontline scouts with them. It saved their lives. His only concern was saving their lives but he observed how the men became more loyal and appreciative of his leadership. He learned what was an old rule of leadership – take care of your people and they will follow you anywhere.
As you consider men who might serve as shepherds look for men that you would follow because they care for you more than themselves.
Bad Shepherds – Neglect the weak, sick, and injured
Good Shepherds – Nurture the weak, sick, and injured
One of the most humbling duties of church leadership is to strengthen the weak, heal the sick, and bind up the injured. Why? Because you become aware of your own limitation to help those in need. People are not easily fixed as one might fix a flat tire or leaky roof. Our weaknesses, sicknesses, and injuries are more than physical. But the good shepherd that cares for the sheep will nurture the weak, sick and injured. The key is care.
The bad shepherds that God judges were guilty of much more than human limitations. Their sin was that they just did not care. They abandoned the weak, sick, and injured – outright neglect. No leader is going to be perfect. And we know that no human leader can “fix” us – at least we ought to. But we all want to be met with someone who just cares. I recall a family meeting not too long ago when our shepherds asked you what you expected of them. One answer came very quickly: “When I am sick, I want you to pray for me.” And I think that statement would apply to a variety of situations.
Every Sunday our elders wait just for you in Room 100. They will pray for you, they will help strengthen you if you are weak, help heal you (spiritually) if you are sick, and bind up the injuries to your spirit. But call one of them, or all of them, if you need them.
And as you consider men whom you would name as shepherds, look for those that you would call on if you needed someone to strengthen you, heal you, or bind up your wounds.
Bad Shepherds – Overlook the stray and lost from the flock
Good Shepherds – Look for the stray and lost from the flock
Jesus told a set of parables (Luke 15) about things that were lost. A sheep, a coin, and a man’s son. The parable’s reveal God’s concern for the lost. You can see that concern in the Ezekiel text. It grieved God that his people were scattered and lost. And God stood in judgment of the leaders who did nothing to bring those lost sheep back into the flock. They just overlooked them.
Even a good shepherd, I am told, might lose a few sheep along the way. Sheep tend to wander off. Years ago when Karen and I were driving through Scotland we would often come around a country road and find a few wandering sheep just standing in the road. And it takes a while to get their attention to move.
All shepherds will have sheep wander away, the difference between a good shepherd and a bad shepherd is that the good shepherd will look for them, and the bad shepherd overlooks them.
As you consider men whom you would name as shepherds, look for those who would care enough to seek you out if you wandered away from the flock.
Bad Shepherds – Leave the flock as prey
Good Shepherds – Keep the flock protected
A good shepherd will go after a sheep because he knows the dangers to a stray sheep. When sheep wander off they become vulnerable. Not just from tourist motoring around the countryside, but from wolves and other predators who want to consume the sheep. Predators love to scatter the sheep. Wolves hunt in packs. They divide and consume. Scattered sheep are easy pickings.
Good shepherds keep the flock together. Do you see the comparison? One of the works of church leaders is the ministry of reconciliation. They are not representatives who are in a place of authority to “vote my way” or concern themselves with my interests. We must go to our church leaders and ask them to do the work of reconciliation. To aid us and lead us in building up the bonds of love, unity, and peace. (Matt 18). Otherwise, the scattered flock will be vulnerable to the predatory powers of this dark age – and they will be consumed.
As you consider men whom you would name as shepherds, look for those who keep the flock protected and keep the flock together. Look for the men who reconcile us to God and one another.
Bad Shepherds – Lead harshly and brutally
Good Shepherds – Lead like God leads
Why would a bad shepherd take advantage of the sheep, neglect the weak and sick, overlook the lost, and scatter the flock? Mainly because the bad shepherd has a character flaw. He leads harshly and brutally.
Lynn Anderson describes two distorted models of leadership: the cowboy and the sheriff. The cowboy drives the herd rather than leading it. He cracks the whip and yells and hollers to get the herd to go where he wants them to go. The shepherd leads through relationship. He leads the sheep to green pastures and quiet waters – he leads them to what is good for them. The sheriff carries a badge and enforces the law.
[Rookie police officer illustration]. The lesson is that the authority of office and badge and title will at best get you compliance, but at worst rebellion. Bad shepherds lead as if they are god, but Good shepherds lead as God leads them.
So how does a good shepherd lead as God leads them. Since God could not count on Israel’s shepherds, he vowed to be their shepherd. Learning from the Chief Shepherd …
He leads the flock …
- to peace. Under God’s care, the sheep are safe and protected. They can lie down. John 10:16I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. [The work of reconciliation and the safety of God’s care]
- with justice. God vowed to keep the stronger sheep from overpowering the weak. Sheep will do that and a shepherd has to look out for the weak. For humans, that is called justice. In the church we follow the teaching of James 2. We do not show favoritism. We love our neighbor.
- to healthy living. We often think of elders as being responsible for sound doctrine. Sound doctrine is healthy teaching. It isn’t a set of rules, rather it is words for life. Jesus came to give us abundant life here and now (John 10:10)
- to eternal life. Good shepherd know that we are heading toward the day of the appearance of the Chief Shepherd. They have a vision of eternity that shapes our path even now.
As you consider men whom you would name as shepherds, name those who lead as they are led by God.
Chris Benjamin
West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR
Morning Sermon, 14 January 2007
Like a Shepherd Lead Us “Good Shepherds” January 14, 2007
Learning from Bad Examples (Ezek. 34:1-10)
Bad Shepherds |
Good Shepherds |
1. T_____ ___________ of the flock. |
1. T_____ ___________ of the flock. |
2. N_____________ the weak, sick, and injured. |
2. N____________ the weak, sick, and injured. |
3. O______________ the stray and lost from the flock. |
3. L_____ ______ the stray and lost from the flock. |
4. Leave the flock as p_________. |
4. Keep the flock p___________. |
5. Lead h__________ and b__________. |
5. Lead like G__________________. (see Ezekiel 34:11-16) |
Learning From The Chief Shepherd (Ezek. 34:11-16; John 10; 1 Pet. 5:1-4)
- He leads the flock to p____________. (Ezekiel 34:15)
- He leads the flock with j______________. (Ezekiel 34:17-22)
- He leads the flock to h________ ________. (John 10:10)
- He leads the flock to e__________________. (1 Peter 5:4)
Posted by Chris on January 7, 2007 under Sermons
Ancient Backgrounds
- Old Testament Elders
- Exodus 3:15-17 – The elders of Israel join Moses in petitioning Pharaoh
- Community leaders, honored men. Experienced, recognized for wisdom, examples.
- They preserved the traditions, the way of life; they interpreted the law; they were judges – settled disputes; they assigned discipline.
- Numbers 11:15-17 – Seventy of the elders are chosen to help Moses share the burden of leadership. They share in the Holy Spirit given to Moses.
- Numbers 22:3-5 – Even non-Israelite cultures have elders (Midian).
- Towns and communities had elders (Deuteronomy 19:11-13). They governed and judged. This is still typical in non-western cultures. (Africa, Asia, Middle East)
- In the period of the Kingdom, the elders become advisors of the king (1 Kings 12). Elders are distinct from priests and prophets. In 2 Samuel 5, the elders of Israel anoint David king. They affirm the transfer of leadership from Saul to David.
- The elders of Israel are not always good leaders (Ezekiel 34). Here the term shepherd is used which was a common metaphorical term for leadership in Israel
- In the post-exilic period, the elders are involved in rebuilding Israel’s society and the temple. They become an important institution along with the priests.
- In the time of Christ, the elders are part of the complex layering of cultural leadership that also includes the priests and the scribes.
- Influence from other Cultures:
- Overseer (English) or Bishop (Greek).
- Greek secular term, largely non-religious.
- Construction foreman, a manager, an administrator.
Jesus and Leadership
- Jesus does not establish offices or ranks of power and authority.
- He redefines what power and authority in the community of disciples is all about.
- The mark of leadership is service. This would apply to the “titles” and “offices” already current in the culture.
- Jesus does set apart apostles. An apostle is not an office as much as it is a designation of function (a messenger). Apostles become important leaders in the early church because of their eyewitness testimony to the work of God in Jesus Christ. (Acts 1).
First-Century Eldership
- The participation of the whole church in the church’s ministries. (Little emphasis on offices).
- 1 Corinthians does not list the offices of elders and deacons, but list a variety of ministries within the body, the church with the focus on the participation of the whole church.
- Note the description in 1 Corinthians: “to each is the Spirit given for the common good” (1 Corinthians 12:7); i.e., each is involved in the vital ministry.
- Among the gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:28 are “forms of assistance, forms of leadership” (NRSV; cf. NIV “those able to help others, those with gifts of administration”). Leadership is merely one of the many gifts exercised in the New Testament.
- In the body of Christ, every member is indispensable (1 Corinthians 12:22).
- Compare the list in Romans 12:1-8 as another indication that the whole community is involved in ministry.
- Note the many obligations incumbent on all. One of the most important words (but seldom noticed) is the word “one another,” which indicates the mutuality of all ministries (cf. Romans 12:10, 16; 15:7, 14; 1 Thessalonians 4:18, 5:11).
- “Bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2).
- “Be servants of one another” (Galatians 5:13).
- “Comfort one another and build one another up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
- Discussion: How does the focus on the body and the “one another” passages provide the framework for our understanding of leadership? What is the place of leadership in such an egalitarian setting?
- We now see how leadership developed in this setting: function preceded title. [Like surnames – they used to refer to profession].
- In 1 Corinthians 16:15-16, Paul mentions the household of Stephanas, the first fruits of Achaia, and he instructs the church to “be subject to them because of their work.”
- Their role is associated with seniority.
- Although Paul does not mention their office, he mentions their “ministry,” and he asks the church to be submissive to them.
- Leadership apparently involves a task performed and the recognition by the church.
- In Paul’s earliest letter, 1 Thessalonians, he assumes that the whole church has responsibility for building up the congregation …
- but he mentions a specific group with special responsibilities in 5:12-13. In a letter written to the whole church, he instructs members, “Respect those who labor among you, and have charge of you in the Lord and admonish you; esteem them very highly in love because of their work.”
- We note the verbs indicating the role of the congregation: “respect” (v. 12) and “esteem” (v. 13 NRSV) the leaders. One cannot have leadership without the community’s acknowledgment of those who lead. Discussion: We might ask what the group thinks those verbs mean in actual practice. We probably know instances where communities refuse to accept leadership of any kind. We may know of communities were “respect” and “esteem” were made difficult because of the quality of leadership.
- “Those who labor among you” is likely a word for evangelistic labor (Paul commonly uses “labor” for his evangelistic work).
- “Those who are over you” refers to a role in leadership. Cf. Romans 12:8, where the word involves both leadership and charitable work. [A form of this word is used to describe Phoebe in Romans 16:1-2.]. The word was also commonly used for the functions of a head of household. It can also have the meaning “preside.”
- “Those who admonish you” indicates that this group takes the lead in admonishing wayward Christians.
- Discussion: What does it mean that function precedes office? How would this principle be used in our own situation?
- 1 Thessalonians 5:12-14 indicates that, although the church is in some respects egalitarian, leadership is always necessary.
- Discussion: Describe the challenges of this new kind of (dialectical) leadership where leaders emerge to do what others are also doing. What are the pitfalls? What are the benefits? What is the definition of an office? What is the relationship between function and office? I suggest: An office is a function that one does regularly and is acknowledged in that role by others. Try other definitions.
- In Philippians, Paul writes “to the saints in Christ Jesus with the bishops and deacons.”
- Here he speaks with titles/nouns: function has become an office.
- One might ask about the implications of the fact that he writes specifically to the whole church, including bishops and deacons; i.e., he does not write only to the leaders.
Note on Resources: The material above is adapted from a six-part series written by Dr. James W. Thompson. [Part Two: A New Kind of Leadership.] The material is available through the Church Relations Department of Abilene Christian University.
Posted by Chris on under Sermons
Introduction to the selection of additional elders: We are starting this year at West-Ark in prayer and reflection asking God to give us wisdom to recognize additional elders. We will begin taking up nominations for elders during a period from January 28th through February 4th. Following this we will enter into a period in mid February in which the church may affirm those with the widest nominations. Lord willing, we will have additional elders on March 4. The details of this process will be published in written form for all to review. What we ask of every member during the next two months is to be prayerful and reflective. Let this congregation be the instrument through which God calls out men who are gifted and qualified to shepherd the flock. If we enter into this time with faith and trust and God this will be one of the most encouraging moments in our story.
During the sermons on Sunday morning and the presentations on Sunday evening I will offer studies aimed at reflecting on the biblical teachings about church leadership. We begin with the foundational teachings of our Lord about Power and Authority in the Church Family …
Typical Models of Power and Authority
- Executive. [The CEO] Defined by ultimate authority. Success is critical. This power is given to the leader to execute action.
- Representational. Power that is accountable to the people, or more accurately – the majority. The nature of this type of power and authority is for you and me to give power to others so that our interests will be considered. New congress sworn in and started legislation this week. No doubt, some of us feel well represented, and some do not.
- Positional. The office or rank is what defines power. Giving attention to the office/rank and the chain of command or order of succession is what makes this model work. [Jim Nicholson is 15th in line for the presidency. He is Secretary for Veterans Affairs. Nicholson may be a fine person, but the path to president simply comes with the office.] This type of power has always been the most fun for me. Does a Field Marshall outrank a Commodore? I had a U.S. Military rank and insignia poster my father gave me on the wall of my room as a young man and I had it memorized. Positional power is the simplest model. It isn’t as messy or confusing as the others. Everybody is expected to know their place and respect the structure.
Which Model is Best for God’s Family? To answer this let’s read Mark 10:35-45
Which Model is Best for God’s Family [observations]
- Jesus does not assume the authority to give rank – those seats at his left and right are positional power. Jesus will not assign ranks. That’s not what he does with his power.
- James and John want Jesus to respond to their interests. They are appealing to a sort of representational power. “We want you to do for us whatever we ask.”
- Jesus asks them: “What do you want me to do for you?”
Jesus hears that there’s an argument among all the disciples when they hear that James and John are jockeying for power. Some of the others had dibs on the second level of command. Others didn’t like the way they were lobbying Jesus. It was unfair that they should try to sell themselves like that. It may not have been that they thought James and John too ambitious, they just wish they had thought of it first! But while they are arguing over who gets to ride shotgun, Jesus turns this into a teachable moment. We need to pay attention to this …
- Jesus says that the rulers of the Gentiles “lord it over” their people. Ultimate authority and autocratic power was the norm in many of the pagan cultures. Rome had a military, positional power structure. The emperor was given the title of “first-citizen” and “magnificent.”
- Jesus says “Not so with you.” Notice this! Jesus departs from the ways of the world. He sets aside aspirations and expectations of other power structures. Executive, positional, even representational power structures are not appropriate. In God’s family there is a different type of power and authority.
- The first and greatest is the servant of all.
- This is the model of power and authority that the Son of Man modeled. He did not come to be served, but to serve. And it is a sacrificial service, not just PR.
- Read Mark 10:46-52. Notice that Jesus asks Bartimaeus the same question he asked James and John. “What do you want me to do for you?” The Sons of Thunder asked Jesus to “Lord it Over” them and to help them “Lord It Over” others. Bartimaeus asks for mercy. He wants to see. He seeks the Son of Man who serves others.
This new model of power and authority that Jesus is teaching us is on display vividly in John 13.
The Servant Model (Read John 13:1-17)
- Jesus loves his followers. (v. 1).
- He knows that the Father gave him power over EVERYTHING (v. 3). God the Father has placed all things under the authority of Jesus. He is co-equal with God. He has come from God and will return to God. Jesus has been given the power and authority to legitimately lord it over anyone and anything.
- So, what does Jesus do with this awesome power? He gets up from his place of prominence. He takes off his good jacket. He wraps a towel around his waist and takes a bowl of water and washes the stinky, dirty feet of his disciples. It’s a slave’s job. It is menial work. Jesus uses his awesome God-given power to do the work of a servant (v. 4)!!
- Have you ever noticed anxiety when someone of high rank does work that seems to be beneath them? People get excited and try to find another to do the work.
- This is how Peter responds to Jesus: Jesus isn’t acting presidential. He’s not acting like an officer and a gentleman. He is showing weakness and taking up a role beneath his station. It is unbecoming.
- According to Jesus, this sort of thinking is the problem with the world. Until his disciples understand loving, sacrificial, servant leadership they will not understand what the power and authority of the Father are really about.
Let’s apply this to our church family … Do You Understand What Jesus Is Teaching Us?
- If our Lord served and led in humble ways, why do we think it should be different with us? (vv. 14, 16)
- Christ set an example that we should follow in all things — especially church leadership (v. 15) – No servant is greater than his master. And there is no authority or power in the church higher than Christ. Not elders, or ministers, or deacons, or any other title, rank or office we can imagine. It doesn’t matter how long we have been a part of a congregation or how much we’ve contributed. It doesn’t matter how much we know. Christ is Lord.
- Speaking of knowledge: If we know these things, we will be blessed if we do them. (v. 17). We have got to put this teaching of Christ into practice. It isn’t just a nice sentiment that we can give lip service to. We are all servants of one another. If you want rank, then we’re all just a bunch of grunts – some of us have been grunting a little longer and they can teach us a little something.
What are we looking for in leaders? Who is being led? What are being led to? What is it that need leading? We are being led to be like Christ, just as Christ was like the Father.
I remember receiving some G. I. Joe toys when I was a very, very young. In those days I didn’t know anything about rank and file. My dad gave me a small military style footlocker to put those toys in. He had put my name on it Army style. It said: “General Chris Benjamin.” I asked him “What’s a General?” He said, “That’s the highest rank in the Army.” I asked, “Are you a General?” He chuckled, “No, I’m just a Sergeant.” I said back to him, “Well, that’s what I want to be, too. I want to be just like you.” In my innocent view of power and authority I could care less about Generals, Captains, Sergeants, or CEO’s, Presidents, and Kings. I just wanted to be like my father.
That’s a good model for leadership in the church family: Let’s just be like our Father. Let’s just be like His Son, Jesus Christ.
Not so With You – [Mark 10] We can make the same mistake that James and John did. Misconceptions about power and authority.
We might think of CEO’s of managers of an institution. We might think that the goal is profit/success. (But God has won the victory.) Executive power.
Chris Benjamin
West-Ark Church of Christ, Fort Smith, AR
Morning Sermon, 7 January 2007
Like a Shepherd Lead Us “Power and Authority” January 7, 2007
Models of Power and Authority
- E____________________.
- R____________________.
- P____________________.
Which Model is Best for God’s Family? (Mark 10:35-52)
- Jesus does not assume the a____________ to give r________.
- James and John want Jesus to respond to their i____________.
- Jesus says that the rulers of the Gentiles l_____ ___ _______ their people.
- Jesus says “N____ ___ with ______.”
- The f_________ and g____________ is the s____________ of all.
- This is the model of power and authority that the S____ ___ _______ modeled.
The Servant Model (John 13)
- Jesus l____________ his followers. (v. 1)
- He knows that the Father gave him power over _______________. (v. 3)
- He uses his power to do the work of a ___________ ________. (v. 4)
Do You Understand What Jesus Is Teaching Us?
- If our Lord s__________ and l______ in humble ways, why do we think it should be d_____________ with us? (vv. 14, 16)
- Christ set an e___________ that we should follow in all things — especially church l__________________. (v. 15)
- If we _________ these things, we will be blessed if we __ them. (v. 17)