The Gap

Posted by on October 30, 2008 under Bulletin Articles

It seemed an impossible problem. Humanly, it was! It was only in Jesus’ cross that God solved what people could not.

For hundreds of years there was a significant division between the descendants of Abraham through Isaac (Israel, the Jewish people) and the gentiles (all peoples or nations not Israelite). God created a special relationship with Abraham’s descendants through Isaac. His intent: nurturing these people away from idolatry (the Egyptian experience) so they could lead idolatrous people to the living God (see Isaiah 49:6).

Oh, we humans! Israel never realized nor accepted her God-given mission! Instead, those people thought all God wanted was them. Thus, the people God designed to reach out to other nations decided God did not like other people. The more exclusive they became, the more they rejected other people. Others resented being rejected!

Thus the gap grew into a chasm that was so broad, deep, and dangerous that no human could bridge it. Then God built a wide, sturdy bridge across that chasm, adequate for every age. With that bridge (the cross of Christ) the chasm was tamed, the division ended, the barrier was broken, the dividing wall came tumbling down, and the peace produced by reconciliation became reality. Israelites could be in Jesus Christ, gentiles could be in Jesus Christ, and God’s purposes could be accomplished.

There was a time when I naively thought I could help our “gap.” Call our “gap” generational, sociological, theological, economic, cultural, or anything you wish, but obviously we again created the “gap.” Regardless of your “camp,” we all conclude “I am better than you-besides that, I am correct!” The end result is that we close God’s bridge, ignore His purpose, and attack those in Christ who disagree with “me.”

God challenges all of us: “See what I did in Jesus’ cross, understand My purpose, and pursue My purpose instead of changing it by substituting your anxiety.” Keep God’s bridge open! Take self out of God’s equation. What matters is being in Jesus Christ, not agreeing with what “I” champion. May Jesus Christ forever be bigger than any of us! May each person in Jesus Christ always know that! More than merely knowing it, may we show it! May “I” always help “you” come closer to God!