Now Just Who Is This Jesus?
Posted by Chris on July 10, 2005 under Sermons
TheSea … We don’t respectthe sea the way the ancients did. With our boats, canoes, party barges, sea doo’s,and water skis we treat the seas, the lakes, and the rivers as God’s gifts forrecreation. Every so often an accident on the water reminds us to becautious. Occasionally, when a hurricane like Dennis comes rolling our way, weare confronted by the terrible power of the sea. But few of us make our livingon the sea and our lifestyle is tied into proximity to the ocean. If it was,we might regard it a little more “spiritually.”
Thereis a good reason why sailors are a superstitious lot. They know that crossingthe sea is dangerous. This is why the ancients made sure not to offend thespirits of the deep as they went cruising over their heads. If the spirits gotmad they could swallow you up into the briny deep in a quick blast.
WhileJesus was teaching by the sea there might have been some indication that badweather was boiling up. The seasoned fishermen of Jesus’ group didn’t knowanything about low pressure fronts, but they were tuned into the signs. Theyalso believed that the forces of the deep might be reeling and squirmingbecause Jesus is crossing over their territory. They have seen the Teachercommand evil spirits, but this was when he had the home court advantage. Darehe trespass on their turf? Why does he insist on crossing over to the otherside?
Reading Mark4:35-41
Thatday when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let’s go over to the otherside.” Leaving the crowd behind, they took Jesus along, just as he was, in theboat. There were also other boats with him.
A furious storm came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so thatit was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. Thedisciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” Hegot up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!”
Thenthe wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to his disciples, “Why areyou so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”
Theywere terrified and asked each other, “Just who is this? Even the wind and thewaves obey him!”
“Teacher, don’tyou care if we drown?”
- Our questions and our fears: Does He care?
- The disciples werenervous to begin with crossing over and into the home of the evil spirits. Goingto the other side meant going to place unsafe and risky. (“Thar be monstershere”). Perhaps they were just a bit more bold because Jesus, who had provenhis ability to go head to head with demons, was with them. If he insisted ongoing to the other side shouldn’t he at least be giving them some reassurance? Shouldn’t he be taking the spyglass from the captain to keep a look out for theenemy? Instead, he is sleeping on the job. He’s sawing logs below decks. What sort of leader snoozes during a storm? DoesHe even care?
- We have had anawfully stormy week. Twodemons from the deep named tragedy and terror emerged from the waves. We haveburied people that we love. We are worried for the health of others. Globally, the war on terror is not over. Men and women possessed by demons ofhatred and desperation struck at a city in the midst of celebration (
London). Destruction has wakened from the deep and ischarging toward the Gulf Coast. Where is Jesus? Does he care? When a loveddies, does he care? When evil strikes, does he care? When people suffer, doeshe care? When fears increase, does he care? Or is he asleep below decks on acushion? - Do you hear just a hintof irritation in their voices: Teacher, don’t you care that we allcould die? Or are you just going to sleep through it all?
- Now Just Who isThis Jesus? Well, they call him TEACHER. Isthat how we think of him? Is he the one sent from heaven to straighten outthat fussy Old Testament doctrine? Is he a talented preacher whose realpurpose is to take the hit for us and deflect God’s wrath? Jesus is more thana religious teacher. Jesus is more than a well-timed substitute sacrifice. Histeaching reveals the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. He proclaimed that itwas near. God is not waiting to smite Jesus so he can save us. No, the kingdomrule of God is at work in Jesus.
- O LORD GodAlmighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O LORD, and your faithfulnesssurrounds you. You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, youstill them. (Psalm 89:9) Who islike God almighty? Jesus, the son of God. He does not simply teachus about God. He reveals God. Jesus acts just as God acts. He has power overthe turbulent seas and he commands the storm . . .
“Quiet! Bestill!”
- Jesus’ word againstthe powers: SHUT UP! CALMDOWN! Remember how the crowds were amazed at his teaching – he hadauthority. That authority is not limited to teaching.
- His word to thedisciples: What areyou afraid of? Where’s your faith? In other words, don’t youtrust Me?
- Now just who isthis Jesus? Do you hear the anxiety in their question?(What have we gotten into?) Miracles demonstrate the power and authority ofJesus, they can prompt the right question, but by themselves they do not givethe answer. Even after Jesus stills the great storm we are still left in the greatcalm to ask questions. Who is this Jesus? What do you say? More to thepoint, do you trust him? How you answer the question of all gooddisciples (Who is this Jesus, then?) has a lot to do with how much we trusthim. How much power and honor do we give to Jesus?
- Trusting Jesus when hecalls to us from the shore is not as risky. When his call comes from a breezy,windswept beach on a sunny day, it comes as a pleasant invitation. Almost likean invitation to join a game of volleyball, come on over to the BBQ, or sign upfor a civic club.
- Trusting Jesus when heasks us to follow him into the eye of the storm, to cross over to the placewhere evil controls the city is much riskier. That’s when the powers rage andfume and spit all their fury. That’s when evil reaches out to swamp our boats.
- [This churchis headed for “the other side” as part of our mission to make disciples. Justbecause we are faithful to follow Jesus and go where he wants. Just beingChristian is getting more “counter-cultural” and risky every day].
- Do we trust Jesus enoughto risk our safety and security for the sake of the mission? Do we trust himeven when storms are blowing all around us? When the powers of tragedy,terror, destruction, and desperation storm against us will we lose courage? Willwe lose faith? Will we panic and get angry? Or will we rest easy withJesus?